
Scenario: Robert has brought his new pocket-knife to school.

1973: His biololgy teacher draws his own and together with the other pupils they compare the two knives for their various functions.

2007: The school is widely cordoned off. GSG9 and police elite troops advance. Robert is paralyzed by several anaesthetic shots and immediately taken to a high security prison . The school psychologist arrives and takes care of the traumatized pupils and teachers.

Scenario: Robert and Markus are brawling over something after school.

1973: There is a group watching and cheering them on. Markus wins. The two shake hands and the argument is solved.

2007: The police come and arrest both accusing them of grievous bodily harm and the two are expelled from the school ending up on the street without any educational qualification.

Scenario: Robert doesn't sit quietly and constantly disrupts lessons.

1973: Robert is kept in detention after school and the next time is given a caning by the teacher. The result: He sits quietly as of then and doesn't disrupt the lesson any more.

2007: Robert gets Ritalin tablets in large quantities and mutates to a zombie. The school gets subsidies from the state because Robert is a hardship case.

Scenario: Robert kicks a soccer ball in a window pane that breaks into pieces. Therefore he gets a slap in the face from his father.

1973: From then on Robert takes better care, grows up to become an adult and leads a normal life.

2007: Robert's father is arrested for child abuse. Robert is taken away from his mother and put in a home for difficult children. A psychologist suggests to Robert's sister that she had also been abused by her father. The father gets life imprisonment and his wife begins an affair with the psychologist.

Scenario: Robert has got a headache and therefore takes pain tablets along to school.

1973: In the break Robert also gives one tablet to his art teacher when they meet in the school's smoker's corner.

2007: Narcotics detectives appear. Robert is expelled from school for pssessing drugs. His school satchel, his desk and his room at home are searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario: Ahmed fails his 8th class because of German.

1973: Ahmed takes private tuition in his summer vacation and achieves his school-leaving qualification without problems a year later.

2007: Ahmed's case ends up before the equality commission of his school. The liberal press finds the school's attitude towards Ahmed unjustifiable. German is not the mother of all languages. Just think of all the mischief that has been committed in the name of the German language.

Scenario: Ahmed fails his 8th class because of German.

1973: Ahmed takes private tuition in his summer vacation and achieves his school-leaving qualification without problems a year later.

2007: Ahmed's case ends up before the equality commission of his school. The liberal press finds the school's attitude towards Ahmed unjustifiable. German is not the mother of all languages. Just think of all the mischief that has been committed in the name of the German language. The school gives in under the immense pressure which is exerted and an allows Ahmed to take another test with questions for a first grader to and Ahmed can move on to the next class. He fails his final qualification and ends up at the conveyor belt with VW because he is still not able to spaek German.

Scenario: Robert throws a firecracker from New Year's Eve into an anthill.

1973: Some ants die.

2007: The Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, the detective force, anti-terror troops and the youth welfare department are called in. Robert is accused of a disturbed grave social behavior, pyromaniac and terroris tendencies. Parents and brothers and sisters must undergo personality test. All PCs in the house are examined for material glorifying violence. Robert's father is put under observation and will never be allowed to fly again all his life.

Scenario: Robert falls over in his gym lesson and hurts his knee. The teacher immediately turns to him, helps him up and dries his tears. He then goes with him to the Secretary's office, fetches a band-aid and remains sitting with him for a short time.

1973: After a short time Robert feels better and he goes back to his class.

2007: The young teacher is immediately dismissed from his teaching job because of child molestation and after criminal proceedings is sentenced for 5 years' imprisonment.

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