
Example of an active sentence turned into passive:

Active: Father always carries the suitcases.
subject verb object
Passive: The suitcases are always carried by Father.

To change a sentence from active into the passive, you basically do so according to the following pattern:
1. The object goes to the front and becomes the subject
2. Subject becomes object with the so-called by-agent and goes to the end of the sentence
3. The verb changes like this:
a. with a form of 'to be' in the same tense and form (here: present t. and simple f.) as verb in active sentence
b. with the past participle passive (ppp), which is identical with the 3rd verbform

Speciality, if the verb carries an auxiliary verb or its substitute:
Active: Father must always carry the suitcases
subject verb object
Passive: The suitcases must always be carried by Father

The change of the verb is done like this:
You transfer the auxiliary verb from the active into the passive sentence and only change the full verb according to the following two steps:
1. The infinitive of 'to be' without the 'to', because carry has no 'to' either
2. The past participle passive (ppp) = 3rd verbform
....which is: 'must always be carried'

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