Increasing your Vocabulary on Literary Terms
Number your paper 1-10. lf necessary, look up in the dictionary the numbered words in column A.
Write the letter from column B which is appropriate for the numbered word in column A.
A |
B |
1. biographical
2. didactic
3. farcical
4. fictitious
5. hackneyed
6. melodramatic
7. poignant
8. realistic
9. romantic
10. satirical
a. painfully moving or touching
b. freely imaginative and fanciful
c. appealing to the emotions by sensationalism and exaggeration
d. marked by broad or boisterous humor
e. ornate in style
f. attacking or ridiculing a custom, habit or idea
g. of a person's life
h. overused, commonplace, stale
i. clear and simple
j. representing in literature life as it actually is
k. intended to instruct, teacherlike
l. not real, imaginary, made-up