MICROSOFT 844-00163 ENCARTA REFERENCE SUITE 2001: three multimedia reference works (Encarta Encyclopedia Deluxe 2000, Encarta Interactice World Atlas and thhe new Encarta World English Dictionary) in one essential information collection. It combines comprehensive content and advanced technology to create an engaging educational experience on your PC (operating systems Windows 95 + 98 and Windows NT).
English For Business is a self-study course, consisting of 6 CD-Roms. They give an introduction to a company, practise management and organisation skills,
teach you how to negotiate with businesspeople and make you familiar with international sales and marketing.
The CD-Roms use authentic video sequences, cover more than 240 screens of interactive learning tasks and introduce you to real and
authentic business English. You should, however, have a basic knowledge of English. Topics addressed range from
marketing products, market research, currency issues, the role of advertising, working for multinational companies,
to the task of a managing director and logistics. You will also revise your basic grammar and vocabulary.
You can buy each CD-Rom separate for DM 150,- or all six for DM 750,-. Click on picture to order.
Citizen of the World consists of a range of 4 CD-Roms and teaches you how to get along in the English speaking
world. They help you ask for directions, order your meal in a restaurant, book a holiday, rent a car, fix a meeting, understand the weather forecast or
administer job interviews. All this is done by interesting video scenes at differnt levels, authentic English and instant feedback on your learning progress.
Grammar and vocab revision is taken for granted.
Buy one CD-Rom for DM 100, - or all four for DM 380,- by clicking on picture.
1. Oregon
Trail IV New
The year is 1848. Experience the adventure of The Oregon Trail and stake your claim in the Old West. Survival
hinges on the many crucial decisions you'll make. With a different outcome each time you play, there's no end
to the fun to be had. Perhaps you are a farmer from New England, or a teacher from Alabama, or a freed slave
from Virginia. No matter what your background, you are consumed with the prospect of an incredible
opportunity: the chance to move West and start a new life. The world will probably never again see such a
massive, voluntary migration. But for more than 25 years now, kids of all ages have used a marvelous
computer program called The Oregon Trail to experience the adventures and dangers of this exciting period of
American history. This new edition is the best one ever!
Available at amazon.de (zshop/computer+software). |
2. History
of the World
von Dorling Kindersley
Auf dieser CD-Rom
ist eine multidediale, interaktive Enzyklopädie, die die Weltgeschichte
in sehr anschaulicher Form präsentiert. Hier sieht man die legendäre
'I have a dream'- Rede von Martin Luther King wie auch die Magna Carta
oder die Declaration of Independence.
One of the best e-shops for CD-Roms and other useful teaching material is:
3. Encarta
2000 Encyclopaedia von Microsoft
Brings a world of information to life!'
Das kann man wohl sagen. Eine der besten elektronischen Enzyklopädien
für nur 150,- DM beim Burg-Verlag.
4. Multimedia
von Hutchinson
For 40 pounds it
is even more comprehensive than the Encarta, but has fewer videoclips and
photos. The interface is clear and attractive with well designed icons
and toolbars, but the biggest problem is the lack of a 'back'- button to
return to the previous screen although this can be done from the list in
the Trail option. Overall, it is a valuable tool for initial and quick
reference purposes. |
5. Encyclopedia
Radikal mit dem Preis heruntergegangen auf 99, - DM beim Burg-Verlag (CD Roms+Multimedia). |
6. Romeo and Juliet
This BBC production
contains the full text of the play with comments on the plot, performance,
characters, language, themes and background. Video-clips, audio recording
and still pictures are part of the disc. It is easy to find your way around
the disc and searching for individual words is also easy. Can be recommended. |
7. Macbeth
The BBC Macbeth
on CD-Rom is of high quality and provides a set of teaching suggestions
and photocopiable worksheets. It offers the entire Alexander text of the
play with background material on Shakespeare's life and theatre.There are
also notes on performance, themes and characters as well as comments on
the play by actors and critics.
Available at the Burg-Verlag
8. Shakespeare
Contains Time, Life & Works of Shakespeare,
Shakespeare’s London, Shakespeare’s Theatre.
Includes Webster’s New World Dictionary,
American Concise Encyclopedia, Barron’s Book
Notes for 14 plays, 700 photos, 115 min. of Feature
Presentations, 300 interactive questions. 3 CD-ROMs
(win / mac) für insgesamt nur 59,95 DM.
Preissenkung: beim Burg-Verlag |
9. Midsummer Night's Dream
Not as good a disc
as previous ones, but contains the full text and soundtrack of the play,
summaries, graphics and animations. Navigation is easy, downloading and
printing of text and graphics is possible. No extra material about characters,
themes or staging. Worksheets are of little value only. |
10. Arthur Miller's 'Crucible'
This disc includes
the entire text of the play, a video interview with the author, interviews
with actors from the Young Vic Company as well as 'read-only' interviews
with rofessional actors. It contains large background information and the
historical evidence drawn from both the 17th century and the McCarthy era
of the 1950s on which Miller based his play. Quality of information is
Available at the Burg-Verlag |
11. Early Victorians
This disc is linked
to the Yorkshire Television series 'How We Used to Live'. It includes video
reconstruction, music, drawings, photographs and text readings. Among other
features it uses a slide show and still pictures to tell a story of a family
living during Victorian times. Themes like Trade and Industry or Transport
and Domestic Life are covered. There is a facility to save text and pictures
to an electronic scrapbook on a floppy disk which is provided with the
package. |
12. Days Out in Britain+Ireland
This disc can be
used as a resource for teachers wishing to identify places to visit on
schooltrips. Users can search by country, town or by specific places of
interest. The disc can be used independently from a textbook in any lessons
covering area studies (Landeskunde). |
13. London
Similar application
as to the previous disc, it concentrates on London. Useful for anybody
who plans a trip to London. The Tour section is is divided into four areas
of London and each subsection is further divided into a list of key places,
institutions or people. The slides are sometimes dark and difficult to
see and the video clips are of no good quality. Places of interest are
restricted to central London. More places could have been included. |
14. History
of the Holocaust
The disc covers the history of antisemitism,
particularly the atrocities committed on Jews before and during the Second
World War (1933 - 1945). Other topics are the rise of the Nazis, Hitler's
Germany, the holocaust and the aftermath. The information is relayed by
text, photos, music, newsreels, maps, plans, diagrams, graphs, biographies
and a timeline. There is e.g. a detailed plan of Auschwitz from an areal
photo taken by the Allies in 1946. Maps are interactive and linked to the
timeline. An extremely comprehensive disc. |
15. Webster's
World Encyclopedia
This disc contains
245 major events of the 20th century, covering major wars, the French Revolution,
technological inventions, a history of space and the universe or information
about the UN. Pictures, maps, video and sound contribute to the attractiveness
of this disc. A special feature is a video labelelled 'Children around
the Globe' depicting children from Third World countries who all struggle
for survival. Keyword searches are available, but the vast amount of information
is simply overwhelming and includes text from The Cambridge Encyclopaedia. |
16. Worldbook
Multimedia Encycl.
This disc is a wide-ranging encyclopaedia with
a built-in dictionary and atlas. Commentaries are spoken in British, Australian,
Indian and South African accents. Information can be updated from the publisher'
s website on the Internet. Every word in the encyclopaedia is linked to
an on-screen dictionary, double-clicking on a word brings up the definition.
Printing and downloading information is easy. A good reference tool for
both teacher and pupil. |
17. World
War II Times
This disc constitutes
an archive of extracts from The Times newspaper on the event of the Second
World War. All the major features of World War II are covered. There is
an ever accessible overall menu with helpful areas to investigate, and
another menu which tells users where they have been in the disc and where
they are at any given point. Naviagtion based on content is easy and sensibly
divided into different topics. There is a basic glossary and the option
to print articles. Copying articles is facilitated by the Srapbook mechanism.
The disc provides access to a large and interesting collection of source
material. It is probably more useful in a library than in classroom. |
18. Infopedia
This disc contains
a compendium of the Hutchinson New Century Encyclopaedia, The Hammond Atlas,
The Longman Dictionary of the English Language, The Hutchinson Concise
Dictionary of English Usage, The Bloomsbury Dictionary of Quotations, The
Oxford Concise Dictionary of National Biography, Hutchinson's Info 96 and
The Bloomsbury Thesaurus. Texts, maps, photographs, audio clips and video
sequences are all of high quality. Major cities are hot-worded directly
from the maps to more detailed information. There are articles on popular
music, jazz or blues as well as speeches delivered by Mother Theresa or
Margaret Thatcher, but also diverse topics such as on the BSE crisis or
an AIDS update.
Text and graphics can be printed or saved. |