
The above picture shows London from the south bank of the Thames between London Bridge on the right and Southwark Bridge on the left. The big church in the background seems to be St. Paul's Cathedral before the Great Fire of London in 1666, when it was rebuilt by Christopher Wren. Note the houses on London Bridge and the busy traffic on the river. Somewhere in the foreground of the picture must be the site where the old Globe Theatre used to be. It was here where most of the theatres were and where Londoners went when they wanted to be entertained.

Test your knowledge on Shakespeare:
There follow ten stage directions for the opening scenes of Shakespearean plays:
Which are they?
1. On a ship at sea: a storm with thunder and lightning.
2. Before Priam's palace.
3. Before Leonato's house..
4. A park with a palace in it.
5. An orchard near Oliver's house.
6. Northampton: a room of state in the palace.
7. Alexandria: a room in the palace.
8. Before the palace of Antioch.
9. A blasted heath: thunder and lightning.
10. A platform before the castle.

1. The Tempest
2. Troilus & Cressida
3. Much Ado
4. Love's Labour's Lost
5. As you Like it
6. King John
7. Antony & Cleopatra
8. Pericles
9. Macbeth
10. Hamlet



From: The Sunday Times, July 30, 1995

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