SOUTH AFRICA 1948-1994 by Rosemary Mulholland

SOUTH AFRICA 1948-1994 by Rosemary Mulholland (hier online bestellen)

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The story:
Rosemary Mulholland's new book focuses on the struggle by the black majority for political and social freedom in South Africa. The book begins with an account of the origins of racism, segregation and republicanism before 1948. It then concentrates on the history of South Africa following the establishment of the apartheid regime. Topics include apartheid in practice, the emergence of protest movements, the Sharpeville massacre, the growing pressures for change, the end of apartheid and Nelson Mandela's appointment as president. This highly illustrated text is based around lead questions and activities. It provides essential knowledge through background briefings; encourages analysis of the issues through investigations; contains review sections to aid clarity and allow students opportunities for revision.
Apartheid – old wine in new bottles; Legislation for inequality 1910–48; Politics in a changing society; The impact of the Second World War; 1948 – Triumph of the Nationalists; Review: The making of the apartheid state; The apartheid state; Apartheid in practice; Coloured voting rights; Education; review: Legalising the apartheid state; Opposing apartheid; Sharpeville; The state grows in confidence; Protest becomes violent; Youthful resistance; Review: Resisting apartheid; The regime weakens; The forces for change; Change at last; Review: The end of apartheid.

Extract from book:
"How did the government stifle opposition?
All opposition was met with harsh measures by the government and secret police.Political activists were soon arrested and sometimes tortured or murdered. A number met their death by 'falling out of windows' at the headquarters of the secret police. The police usually explained that they were 'attempting to escape'.
Banning orders, which were signed by the Minister of Justice, were a useful tool for the government. They stopped the person named in the order from writing, broadcasting, being quoted, attending meetings, or from leaving a particular area without permission from a magistrate. Any gathering that, in the opinion of the Minister of Justice, might 'seriously endanger public peace' could also be banned, as could any publication or political organization.
Newspapers opposed to the regime were censored and some were banned. Anyone who wrote articles critical of any aspect of government policy could be prosecuted.
People who were arrested could be detained without trial for 90 days. Later this was extended to 180 days. This frightened many people.
If necessary, the government could always declare a state of emergency. This meant it could ignore any laws that might have prevented heavy-handed or brutal action against its enemies. Many opponents of apartheid fled the country."

SOUTH AFRICA 1948-1994 by Rosemary Mulholland
Sprache: Englisch
Taschenbuch - 65 Seiten - Cambridge University Press
Erscheinungsdatum: 18. September 1997
ISBN: 0521576784

Preis: € 14,50

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