ANGELA by James Moloney

ANGELA by James Moloney (hier online bestellen)

The story:
Angela concludes James Moloney’s contemporary trilogy dealing with a range of issues facing Aboriginal society. Narrated by Gracey’s best friend Angela, it confronts a wide range of personal and social issues for both girls.

Angela and Gracey are first year university students. Here, they embark on individual journeys that open their eyes to life beyond high school. New ideologies, influences and peers change their friendship that was once indestructible. Gracey in particular is trying desperately to embrace being a Murri, joining an indigenous students’ support group (‘the Unit’) on campus. While Angela tries to be supportive, Gracey appears to drift away from all she has known from the ‘white’ world of Angela and their school days together.

Angela raises many political and race relation issues, particularly with regards to policy decisions made in the past. The Stolen Generation is the major focus of this text, although there are many other aspects of white Australia with which Gracey struggles. Eventually, it is Gracey’s acceptance of both black and white Australia that ensues; a small step towards reconciliation. This however is a difficult and at times painful journey.

Angela presents a diverse range of perspectives on Aboriginal issues affecting modern Australia.

About the author:
Born in Sydney, James Moloney grew up and was educated in Brisbane. He completed teacher training at Griffith University and also holds diplomas in Teacher Librarianship and Computer Education. He has taught in a number of Queensland State Schools as both a classroom teacher and a librarian. His experiences as a young teacher in western Queensland have had a profound effect on his writing, especially in his early novels.

James now writes full-time and has written over twenty books for children and Young Adults. His first novel, Crossfire, was listed as a Notable Book in the CBCA awards in 1993. His short novel Swashbuckler won the Children's Book Council of Australia Book of the Year Award in 1996 and in the following year, A Bridge to Wiseman's Cove was named Book of the Year in the CBCA's Older Readers category. His other titles have appeared regularly on shortlists for literary prizes and children's choice awards ever since.
Source: http://www.uqp.uq.edu.au/skins/uqp/_uploads/TeachersNotes/Angela.pdf

Broschiert: 192 Seiten
Verlag: Klett; Auflage: Neuauflage. (Dezember 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 3125781620
ISBN-13: 978-3125781627
ISBN: 3125781620
Preis: € 9,99

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