THE ANIMATED TALES by William Shakespeare (hier online bestellen)
The story:
Leon Garfield skilfully abridged twelve of Shakespeare's most famous plays - Macbeth, The Tempest,
A Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night, The Winter's Tale, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, The Taming of the Shrew,
As You Like It, Richard III, Othello and Julius Caesar - to create individual thirty minute scripts. These
plays are a workable length for classrooms while still maintaining Shakespeare's language, and have become
favourites with teachers bringing the drama of Shakespeare to children for the first time. Their widely
spaced, readable format makes them an ideal way to introduce what can be difficult language for the unfamiliar.
This is the first time the twelve plays have been available in one volume. The competitive price point also
makes them affordable, both for teachers and for families.
SHAKESPEARE: THE ANIMATED TALES by William Shakespeare, Leon Garfield (Editor)
Sprache: Englisch
Paperback 320 pages (June 1, 2002)
Publisher: Egmont Books
ISBN: 0749748133
Preis: € ??? Out of print?)
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