
DVD: RAGING BULL (hier online bestellen)

Starring: Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci etc.
Directed by: Martin Scorsese

Duration: 124 mins

The story:
Raging Bull is arguably the finest work from the Scorsese and De Niro partnership. De Niro gives an amazing portrayal of a man whose animal side lurks just beneath the surface, ever ready to erupt. Vivid and unremitting in its uncompromising brutality and honesty, the fight sequences are famed for their realism. Violent throughout, this film is a testament to Scorsese's and De Niro skills, creating a thoroughly absorbing film about such an unlikable character.
Renowned for throwing himself into the roles of the character, De Niro went on a diet to gain fifty pounds during the production for the role of the faded star.

DVD Daten:
Region 2 encoding (Europe (incl. English), Japan, South Africa and the Middle East including Egypt).
• Black & White, Colour, Dubbed, PAL, Widescreen
• Number of discs: 2
Preis: GBP 15,99

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