CHANGING PLACES by David Lodge (hier online bestellen)
The story:
Changing Places (1975), was Lodge's first book in a trilogy of campus novels. Inspired by his experience
teaching in California, the novel centres on two academics: Englishman Phillip Swallow from the University
of Rummidge in the West Midlands, and Morris Zapp, an American from the State University of Euphoria
(California), and their participation in an exchange programme that sees them swap politics, lifestyles and
Extract from book:
About the author:
Critic and novelist. Born in 1935 in Dulwich , south London and was a pupil at St. Joseph's Academy, Blackheath, a
Catholic school. He attended University College, London (UCL) from 1952 until 1955, where he read English.
Following his graduation he undertook national service. He then returned to UCL to complete a large MA thesis on catholic fiction. He held posts at the School
of English, University of Birmingham , from 1960, subsequently becoming a Professor in 1976 until his
retirement in 1987. He was made Honorary Professor of Modern English Literature at the University following
his early retirement which he took in order to devote all his time to writing.
He has published eleven novels, the latest Thinks , appearing in March 2001. His style in fiction has swung
between realism and parodies of literary styles and his knowledge of academic circles has often been used to
great effect. One of his most enduring works is Nice work (1988) which is a re-working of the popular
19th century industrial novel of Elizabeth Gaskell and others, and is set in the West Midlands.
Other well known novels include the satirical campus novels Changing Places (1975) and its sequel, Small
World (1984) which have been compared with the work of Kingsley Amis in Lucky Jim (1954) and early
Malcolm Bradbury. David Lodge's thoughts on religion in 1970's Britain forms the the background to
How far can you go (1978), a study of moral and sociological change.
During his long career at the University of Birmingham he wrote several critical studies on modern literary
trends and on specific literary figures, including Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh. Language of fiction (1966)
remains one of his most important critical works. More recent work includes The Novelist at the Crossroads (1971) and Write on (1986).
Nice Work by David Lodge
Sprache: Englisch
Taschenbuch - 256 Seiten - Penguin Books
Erscheinungsdatum: 1. August 1995
ISBN: 0140170987
Preis: € 11,95
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