Educators' Discourses on Student Diversity in Canada: Context, Policy and Practice

Educators' Discourses on Student Diversity in Canada: Context, Policy and Practice (hier online bestellen)

This text examines recent changes to the Canadian educational system and their impact on the role of the school - most significantly how the school must now function as an agent of inclusion for students who are not part of the mainstream school population. Based on the findings of a comprehensive five-year national study sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - Current Trends in the Evolution of School Personnel in Canadian Elementary and Secondary Schools - the contributors examine the daily work activities, working conditions, and the interactions with students in view of recent changes to the educational system and the evolving role of the school. This book challenges the status quo and provides a timely, comprehensive, and critical overview of education and diversity in Canada.

Taschenbuch: 195 Seiten
Verlag: Canadian Scholars Press (24. Oktober 2008)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 1551303469
ISBN-13: 978-1551303468
ISBN: 1551303469
Preis: € 20,99

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