FLIPPIN' IN by Anne Chislett

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The story:
Susan and Lynn work in a fast food franchise for little pay and np respect. As the working conditions gradually worsen, Susan decides that it is time for the workers to get together and form a union. However, she encounters a much harder struggle than she had imagined.
Flippin' In is a play written specifically for teenagers. It is centred around a typical fast food franchise, in which youngsters not often come together, but where many of them have there first working experience.

Excerpt from play:
From 4. Taking Action:
"Lynn is walking home. Susan runs after her. Both are out of uniform.
Susan: Lynn...wait up?
Lynn: I thought you'd be meeting Jerry.
Susan: He's studying for French. Where's your car?
Lynn: Home. I'm walking off the fat I eat here.
Susan: Listen, I was thinking about Joe and Maria...and about Bob Sung too.
Lynn: The guy who got fired?
Susan: Yeah. Like Joe said, there's no law against having two part-time jobs.
Lynn: No law at all.
Susan: And..well...I was thinking about my mother...(Lynn winces) Your dad had to pay her a severance, right?
Lynn: He manages the place. He doesn't own it.
Susan: Yeah, but he couldn't just say...'You're out of here,' like Elaine did to Bob.
Lynn: Dad's not a mean person.. Honestly, Susan, he's not.
Susan: Okay, okay. But when the rumours started...that there were going to be lay offs...I remember mom saying, 'At least we have a union. We'll have a bit of protection.'
Lynn: (uncomfortably) Actually, I don't think dad agrees with unions much.
Susan: But maybe you could ask him...like what he was allowed to do, and what he wasn't.
Lynn: Why don't you ask your mother?
Susan: She told me to keep my mind on the scholarship.
Lynn: What's the point, anyway? I mean, we don't have a union.
Susan: Yeah, except they started one at Harvey's.
Lynn: Harvey's?
Susan: As in McDonald's, Wendy's, KFC, Burger King, Kwik-Bitey's? This guy at Harvey's started a union. It was in the paper last winter.
Lynn: Susan...don't even think about it.
Susan: Why? You said it yourself. Somebody has to do something.
Lynn: I didn't mean us.
Susan: (shrugging) Who else is there?
Lynn: The full-time people.
Susan: Except there aren't any after today, remember?
Lynn: Okay, I mean adults.
Susan: Most of the adults who work here are like Joe or Maria. They're kinda at a disadvantage.
Lynn: Okay...but...was the guy who started the union at Harvey's still in high school?
I don't remember. But maybe I should make like it's a school project and hit the library.
Susan and Lynn exit.

About the author:
Anne Chislett was born in 1942 in St. John's, Newfoundland. She went to university in St. John and British Columbia, and then taught English and Theatre in high schools in Ontario. In 1980 she became a full-time playwright. She has written for stages, radio and film. Her plays have been produced throughout Canada as well as in the USA and Japan. Amongst her plays are The Tomorrow Box (1980) and Quiet in the Land (1996).
Anne Chislett was one of the co-founders of the Blythe Summer Festival in 1975. This festival is unique in Canada as it only presents Canadian plays, especially those that have a particular relevance to the people in southwestern Ontario.
Flippin' In won the 1996 Chalmer's Canadian Play for Young Audience Award.

FLIPPIN' IN by Anne Chislett
Sprache: Englisch
Sondereinband - 92 Seiten - Cornelsen
Erscheinungsdatum: 2000
ISBN: 3464068218
Preis: € ???

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