Video: A ROOM WITH A VIEW by E.M. Forster

Starring: Maggie Smith, Denholm Elliott, Helena Bonham-Carter
Directed by: James Ivory
Duration: 112 mins

The story:
E.M. Forster's A Room With A View features an incomparable cast which includes Denholm Elliott, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench, Daniel Day – Lewis, Helena Bonham Carter and Julian Sands.
A Room With A View tells of Lucy Honeychurch, a beautiful young English girl abroad, whose emotions are rocked when she witnesses a murder, and whose life is forever altered by the sudden and mysterious arrival of a passionate young man.
Played out against the panoramic backdrops of classic Florence and the lush English countryside, A Room With A View is a film that will live in your memory forever.

Video in very good condition
10 € + 1,50 € postage
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