
Video: GANDHI (hier online bestellen)

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DVD: GANDHI (hier online bestellen)

Starring: Ben Kingsley, Candice Bergen, Edward Fox etc.
Directed by: Richard Attenborough
Duration: 180 mins

The story:
Gandhi was not a ruler of nations, nor did he have scientific gifts. Yet this small, modest man did what others before him could not. He led an entire country to freedom - he gave his people hope. Gandhi, the man of the century, is explored in this breathtaking, unforgettable motion picture.
After 20 years in the making, this masterful epic garnered nine 1982 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay. In stirring detail, Gandhi’s life, principles and power explode on the screen with vivid scenes such as the horrific massacre at Amritsar, where the British opened fire on 15,000 unarmed men, women and children, and the dramatic march to the sea where Gandhi lead thousands of his fellow Indians to prove that sea salt belongs to all and was not just a British commodity. A distinguished cast of characters surrounds Academy Award-winning Ben Kingsley as Gandhi, including Candice Bergen, Martin Sheen, John Gielgud and Trevor Howard. A vision of the heart and soul of a man, Gandhi is a classic epic as timeless as Gandhi himself.

Sprache: Englisch
Import, Dolby, PAL, Surround Sound
Laufzeit: 180 Minuten
Video Erscheinungstermin: 1. Juli 2002
ASIN: B00004CJ3K

Preis: € 14,99

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