Video: HAMLET (Kenneth Branagh Kate Winslet)

HAMLET (Kenneth Branagh Kate Winslet) (hier online bestellen)

Starring: Kenneth Branagh, Julie Christie, Billy Crystal etc.
Directed by: Kenneth Branagh
Duration: 121 mins

The story:
Kenneth Branagh adapts, directs and stars in Shakespeare's classic tragedy alongside a wonderful international cast. The Palace of Elsinore, Denmark, the mid 1800's. The country stands on the brink of war as the map of Europe is being re-drawn by military activity and political intrigue. "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark (Branagh), is thrown into despair when his recently widowed mother Gertrude (Julie Christie), remarries his father's brother, Claudius (Derek Jacobi). A terrifying confrontation with his father's ghost reveals to Hamlet that his father was foully murdered by Claudius, who by his actions won both the crown of Denmark and Hamlet's mother. Please note: this is the abridged version of Branagh's original cut.

Sprache: Englisch
Import, PAL
Laufzeit: 121 Minuten
Video Erscheinungstermin: 6. August 2001

Preis: € 14,99

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