HAMLET (L. Olivier) (hier online bestellen)
Starring: Jean Simmons, Laurence Olivier
Directed by: Laurence Olivier
Duration: 155 mins
The story:
Laurence Olivier delivers one of his greatest Shakespearean performances as Hamlet. Seldom has the tragic story
of the Danish prince tortured by his duty to his murdered father and by the guilt and fear he feels at the
prospect of revenge, been so brilliantly portrayed. It is the tragedy of a man who thinks but fails to act.
For as long as Shakespeare is performed this film will stand as a definitive production.
DVD Daten:
BBFC: Ab ca. 4 Jahren
Darsteller: Jean Simmons, Laurence Olivier
Regie: Laurence Olivier
Format: Import, Full Screen, PAL
Sprache: Englisch
DVD Erscheinungstermin: 14. April 2003
Preis: € 19,99 (kostenlose Lieferung)
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