HENRY V (Kenneth Branagh) (hier online bestellen)
Starring: Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Paul Scofield etc.
Directed by: Kenneth Branagh
Duration: 132 mins
The story:
Once more unto the breach, dear friends! Kenneth Branagh's award–winning production of Shakespeare's Henry V,
a classic story of conflict, courage, honour and heroism. Branagh is electrifying in the title role, a king
whose inspired leadership and full-blooded courage rouses his bewildered and bedraggled men to arms against
a French army five times greater than their own. The film presents an epic explosion of bloody battles and
powerful performances from the cream of British acting, including Brian Blessed, Judi Dench, Ian Holm, Derek
Jacobi, Paul Scofield and Emma Thompson.
DVD Daten:
FSK: Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
Darsteller: Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi
Regie: Kenneth Branagh
Musik: Patrick Boyle
Format: Dolby, Surround Sound, PAL
Sprachen: Deutsch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Bildformat: 1.66:1
DVD Erscheinungstermin: 28. Januar 2003
Produktion: 1989
Preis: € 7,99
If you want to buy this VIDEO second hand send me an eMail
Used, but in very good condition
12 € incl. postage
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