
DVD: FULL METAL JACKET (hier online bestellen)
Starring: Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin etc.
Directed by: Stanley Kubrick
Duration: 112 mins
The story:
A superb ensemble cast falls in for action in Stanley Kubrick’s brilliant saga about the Vietnam War and the
dehumanising process that turns people into trained killers. Joker (Matthew Modine), Animal Mother
(Adam Baldwin), Gomer (Vincent D’Onofrio), Eightball (Dorian Harewood), Cowboy (Arliss Howard) and more -
all are plunged into a boot-camp pitbulled by a leatherlung D.I. (Lee Ermey) who views the would-be devil
dogs as grunts, maggots or something less. From its rigours of basic training to its nightmare of combat
in Hue City, Full Metal Jacket scores a cinematic direct hit.
DVD Daten:
FSK: Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren
Darsteller: Matthew Modine, Adam Baldwin
Regie: Stanley Kubrick
Musik: Abigail Mead
Format: Dolby, Surround Sound
Sprachen: Deutsch (Dolby Digital 5.1) Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1) Spanisch (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Bildformat: 4:3
DVD Erscheinungstermin: 23. August 2001
ASIN: B00005ML1M
Preis: € 8,95
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