Manchester United Ruined My Life by Colin Shindler

Manchester United Ruined My Life by Colin Shindler (hier online bestellen)

The story:
A combined personal and sporting memoir, recounting both Shindler's upbringing in Manchester during the 1950s and 60s, and his lifelong affiliation with the fallen giants of English football; Manchester City. A deeply personal and beautifully written book, on a level far above the average sporting biography, which should have appeal beyond the sports book market, and which has the added }frisson{ of tapping into the nation's open and justifiable hostility towards Manchester Utd. Outstanding.

About the author:
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Colin Shindler is a British (Mancunian) producer and screenwriter, mostly for TV and some films, most notably 'Buster'. However he is more famous as an author - he is an avid Manchester City fan and his autobiography 'Manchester United Ruined My Life' was hugely successful. He has written several other football and cricket books, and writes for some British newspapers.

Excerpt from book:

Manchester United Ruined My Life by Colin Shindler
Sprache: Englisch
Broschiert - 310 Seiten - Headline Book Publishing Ltd
Erscheinungsdatum: 6. Mai 1999
ISBN: 0747259836
Preis: € 12,95

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