COLLECTION: Living in a multiethnic society

Here is a collection of short stories and novels on the topic of a multiethnic society.

1. Annie John, Jamaica Kincaid. Set against the backdrop of West Indian culture, this is the story of Annie, from her childhood to the emotional crisis of adolescence that takes her away from Antigua, her island home. (1985).

2. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, by Ernest J. Gaines. A fictional story of a 110 Black woman recounting her life as a slave on a southern plantation and the saga of racial injustice in the sixties. (1971).

3. Baseball In April and Other Stories, by Gary Soto. Eleven revealing short stories about the adventures of young Mexican Americans in Fresno, California. (1990).

4. Bless Me, Ultima, by Rudolfo A. Anaya. Experiences of the members of Latino family's members in New Mexico where the youngest one, Antonio, searches for his identity. Fiction. (1972).

5. Family Installments: Memories of Growing Up Hispanic, by Edward Rivera. Fictional account of a Hispanic family's experiences in Puerto Rico and New York. (1982).

6. In Nueva York, by Nicholasa Mohr. Eight short stories about a Puerto Rican community on New York's Lower East Side. (1977).

7. Jasmine, by Bharati Mukherjee. The protagonist of the novel is a seventeen-year-old widow of Hindu origin who escapes to the United States and has unusual experiences as an undocumented alien. (1989).

8. Native Son, by Richard Wright. A classic story involving an African American who runs the gamut from petty thievery and murder as an outcome of racism and prejudice. (1940).

9. Our House in the Last World, by Oscar Hijuelos. A novel highlighting the interaction between the Cuban American and the Puerto Rican communties in Harlem, New York in the 1950s. (1983).

10. Scent of Apples, by Bienvenido N. Santos. Sixteen short stories, each focusing on the lives of Filipinos in foreign countries, including Filipino-Americans. (1979).

11. Yellow Roses, by Elizabeth Cullinan. Twelve short stories dealing with family members of the close-knit Irish American world. (1977).

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