
NEITHER HERE NOR THERE - TRAVELS IN EUROPE by Bill Bryson (hier online bestellen)

The story:
In his book 'NEITHER HERE NOR THERE - Travels in Europe' Bill Bryson writes about the experiences he made when he was travelling through nearly the whole of Europe, fluent in only one language (English). He starts in Hammerfest, Norway (as far north as you can get in the world by public means of transport, he says), goes to Paris, Brussels, Belgium, Aachen and Cologne in Germany, then on to Amsterdam, Hamburg in Germany again, Copenhagen in Denmark, then onto Sweden (Gothenburg and Stockholm), then down to Rome, then to southern Italy (Naples, Capri and Sorrento), up to the top (Milan, Como), through Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Yugoslavia, Sofia in Bulgaria, and finally Istanbul. By reading this book you'll learn a lot about European countries with their different languages, customs, habits and ways of life. But this isn't one of those boring sophisticated books, that you can't read without falling asleep. Once you start reading you can't stop. Bryson has a unique brand of humour. He is able to crack jokes about any situation, no matter how hopelessly and unpleasing they might have been. Especially as a European citizen you'll have a lot of fun because you recognize all the stereotypes that you know either from telling or personal experience. All in all I can highly this book can only be recommended to everyone who wants to get to know European countries in an amusing and interesting way.

About the author:
Bill Bryson was born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1951. A backpacking expedition in 1973 brought him to England where he met his wife and decided to stay. He wrote for the English newspapers for many years, writing travel articles to enhance his income. He lived with his family in North Yorkshire before moving back to the States in 1995. He now lives in Hanover, New Hampshire, with his wife and four children.
The Lost Continent, Bill Bryson's hilarious first travel book, describes a trip in his mother's Chevy around small town America. Since then, he has written several more about the UK and the US, including bestsellers, A Walk in the Woods, I'm A Stranger Here Myself (published in Britain as Notes from a Big Country), and In a Sunburned Country (published in Britain as Down Under). His other books include Bill Bryson's Dictionary of Troublesome Words, Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe, Made in America, The Mother Tongue and Bill Bryson's African Diary. His latest book, A Short History of Nearly Everything, is available now.

Extract from book:
..The waitress brought my beer and I became uncomfortably aware that I had spent the last ten minutes adrift in a little universe of my own, very possibly chuckling quietly and murmuring to myself in the manner of people who live in bus stations. I looked around and was relieved to see that no one appeared to have noticed. The man at the next table was too busy boasting to his wife/mistress how he had sold 2,000 Hullabaloo videotapes and the last 68,000 copies of the American edition of The Lost Continent to the Romanians for loft insulation. His companion meanwhile was making love with her eyes to a man dining alone across the room, though the man was too busy struggling with three-foot-long strands og tangled spaghetti to notice that he was being used as a sex aid.
I took a big draft of my beer, warmed by my reminiscences, and quietly delighted at the thought that my schooldays were forever behind me, that never again for as long as I lived would I have to bevel an edge or elucidate the principles of the Volstead Act in not less than 250 words or give even a moused-sized shit about which far-flung countries produce jute and what they do with it. It is a thought that never fails to cheer me. ...


Sprache: Englisch
Broschiert - 304 Seiten - Black Swan
Erscheinungsdatum: 2. April 1998
ISBN: 0552998060
Preis: € 13,30

More works from the same author:

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A Short History of Nearly Everything
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Dictionary of Troublesome Words
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Sunburned Country
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I'm a Stranger Here Myself
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A Walk in the Woods

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