STEPPING WESTWARD by Malcolm Bradbury

STEPPING WESTWARD by Malcolm Bradbury (hier online bestellen)

The story:
A university in America sends for James, one of the original, English, Angry Young Men, to teach creative writing. He is no longer angry, but thinks a new life in the USA might give new life to his writing. When he reaches America, he doesn't get what he expected, but then, neither does America.

Extract from book:

About the author:
Bradbury was born into a lower middle-class family in Sheffield, Yorkshire, on 7 September 1932. The family moved to London in 1935 but Bradbury and his brother and mother came back to Sheffield in 1941, where he had first-hand experience of the pressure of history in the “very terrifying” form of the heavy German bombing that the city suffered. Later the family went to live in Nottingham, and Bradbury attended West Bridgford Grammar School from 1943-50. He started writing at this time and was proud that his first short stories, like those of D. H. Lawrence, were published in the Nottinghamshire Guardian. In 1950 he went to the University College of Leicester, and began his first novel there; after taking a first-class degree in English in 1953, he moved on to Queen Mary College, University of London, where he gained his MA in 1955. For the next four years, he moved between Manchester University in England and Indiana University in the USA as a postgraduate student and teaching assistant, while continuing to work on his first novel and gaining experience that would feed into his second. His enforced return to England in 1958 for a major heart operation concentrated his mind wonderfully and spurred him to complete Eating People is Wrong (1959) in hospital. In a few hectic days the following year, his novel was published, he married Elizabeth Salt, with whom he would later have two sons, and he took up his first teaching post as an adult-education tutor at the University of Hull.
He is also author of the novels The History Man (1975); which won the Royal Society of Literature Heinemann Prize and was adapted as a famous television series; Rates of Exchange (1983) which was shortlisted for the Booker Prize; Cuts: A Very Short Novel (1987), also televised; and Doctor Criminale (1992). His critical works include The Modern American Novel (1984; revised edition, 1992); No, Not Bloomsbury (essays, 1987); The Modern world: Ten Great Writers (1988); From Puritanism to Post-modernism: A History of American Literature (with Richard Ruland, 1991). He is the author of a collection of seven stories and nine parodies, entitled Who Do You Think You Are? (1976), and of several works of humour and satire, including Why Come to Slaka? (1986), Unsent Letters (1988; revised edition, 1995) and Mensonge (1987). Many of his books are published by Penguin. In addition, he has written many television plays and the television 'novel' The Gravy Train and The Gravy Train Goes East. He has adapted several television series, including Tom Sharpe's Porterhouse Blue, Kinglsey Amis's The Green Man and Stella Gibbon's' Cold Comfort Farm, now a feature film.

Sprache: Englisch
Taschenbuch - 352 Seiten - Penguin USA
Erscheinungsdatum: 1. März 1995
Auflage: Reissue
ISBN: 014002865X
Preis: € ???

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