UNHERALDED VICTORY: WHO WON THE VIETNAM WAR? by Mark W. Woodruff (hier online bestellen)
The story:
This is a deeply frustrating book, often on the same level as ‘The Longest Night’, but often failing to
reach a conclusion that is borne out by the evidence. The author attempts to correct many of the myths
about Vietnam, noting that there were two wars – one against the Vietcong and one against the North
Vietnamese Army – both of which were won (?) by the United States. The author also asserts that the
Vietcong were nowhere near as powerful or as independent as they’re often portrayed, while reminding us
that the government of the south was not all corrupt or evil.
The book has real strengths. The aims of the US and its allies are clearly set out and understandable.
The dissertation of the anti-war movement is a masterpiece of social research, covering phoney Vietnam vets,
the bad reputation of reporters and the so-called draft dodgers movement. Somehow the US forgot to notice
that for everyone who fled to Canada, three Canadians came to the US to fight. That section is an amusing
Extract from book:
About the author:
Mark William Woodruff was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and is the author of the highly-regarded Vietnam history,
Unheralded Victory (Vandamere Press, 2000). The author enlisted in the Marine Corps in July 1967; completed
his Boot Camp at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego; and took Infantry and Advanced Training at Camp
Pendleton. He served in Vietnam with Foxtrot Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment from December 1967
to December 1968.
After leaving the Marine Corps, he graduated from Pepperdine University (Los Angeles) in 1970 with a B.A.
in Psychology, receiving his M.A. in Psychology from Pepperdine in 1971. In 1973 he moved to Australia and
began a career as an Educational Psychologist in Western Australia. He holds a reserve commission with the
Royal Australian Navy as a Psychology Officer and has also worked with the Australian Vietnam Veterans
Counseling Service in Perth. Currently, he is a Senior Navy Psychologist at Fleet Base West in Western
Sprache: Englisch
Taschenbuch - 360 Seiten - Collins
Erscheinungsdatum: 8. Mai 2001
ISBN: 0004725409
Preis: € ???
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