
Fill in the following pairs of adverbs:
pretty/prettily, lately/late, freely/free, justly/just, near/nearly,
highly/high, fairly/fair, most/mostly, closely/close, hardly/hard.

1. Bob always works ________________ before exams. Jill felt so sick that she could ____________ eat.
2. The tourists got into the museum ______________ . Dogs can move around _____________ in this park.
3. This was a ______________ interesting conversation. The ball was kicked ______________ into the air.
4. Jack woke up _______________ . Kathy has often missed the bus ________________ .
5. Don _____________ did his homework on the bus. Ian hates washing up ______________ of all.
6. Miss White ______________ had an accident. Don't stand ______________ the fire.
7. Anne always dresses ___________________ . Claud is a ________________ clever boy.
8. Mike lives ________________ to his school. The man followed ___________________ behind the thief.
9. Play _____________ or don't play at all! It was _________________ late when the Parkers arrived.
10. The new teacher treated his pupils ___________________ . That's ____________________ one of his silly remarks.

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