
How well do you know the United Kingdom?
1. A. The Geordie dialect is spoken in Tyneside.
B. The Geordie dialect is spoken in Liverpool.
2. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE?
The population of the North West of England has increased in recent years.
3. St Andrew is the patron of which country?
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Wales
D. Northern Ireland
4. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE?
The monarch of the UK is not allowed to marry anyone who is not Protestant.
5. The 31st October celebrates
A. Valentine's Day
B. Guy Fawkes' Night
C. Hallowe'en
D. Hogmanay
6. The Notting Hill Carneval is held in
A. Liverpool
B. Manchester
C. Edinburgh
D. London
7. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE?
Ulster Scots is a dialect which is spoken in Northern Ireland
8. Which TWO of these are names for the Church of England?
A. Methodist
B. Episcopal
C. Anglican
D. Presbyterian
9. When do people in the UK wear poppies?
A. New Year
B. Valentine's Day
C. Remembrance Day
D. Mother's Day
10. The head of the Church of England is
A. the Archbishop of Canterbury
B. the Prime Minister
C. the Queen
D. the Moderator
11. The Grand National is a
A. horse race
B. tennis tournament
C. footbal match
D. cricket match
12. The 14th February celebrates
A. Valentine's Day
B. Guy Fawkes' Night
C. Hallowe'en
D. Hogmanay
13. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. Fireworks are traditionally set off on 31 October in the UK.
B. Fireworks are traditionally set off on 5th November in the UK.
14. Gaelic is spoken in which TWO countries in the UK?
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Wales
D. Northern Ireland
15. On Christmas Day, people in the UK usually
A. stay at home and eat a special meal
B. spend the day fasting
C. go to work
D. go shopping
16. Hogmanay is traditionally celebrated in
A. England
B. Scotland
C. Wales
D. Northern Ireland
17. What percentage of the population of the UK live in England?
A. 65%
B. 72%
C. 76%
D. 84%
18. Baptits are a type of
A. Protestant Christian
B. Roman Catholic
C. Muslim
D. Jew
19. The heir to the throne is
A. Princess Anne
B. Prince Charles
C. Prince Philip
D. Prince William
20. The Chancellor of the Exchequer is responsible for
A. education
B. law and order
C. health
D. the economy
21. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE?
In the UK, a judge decides whether someone is guilty or innocent of a serious crime.
22. Is the following statement TRUE or FALSE?
The UK has a written constitution.
23. Which of the following countries is NOT a member of the Commonwealth?
A. Mozambique
B. Seychelles
C. Singapore
D. Indonesia
24. Which TWO of the following are members of the Cabinet?
A. the Chancellor of the Exchequer
B. the Speaker of the House of Commons
C. the Leader of the Opposition
D. The Home Secretary
If you have scored 18 or more correct answers, you might sit for the UK citizenship test....