
1. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. Even I stay for whole year here, I cannot to master completely English.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. On arriving to Paris yesterday evening, at first I looked up my friend, then I went to change so quickly as possible some money, and lastly I had at my hotel an excellent dinner.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. May be this pen is the same than Johns' but it is very different from mine. His is not so good one than mine.
______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

2. Complete the following comparative sentences:

4. He talks _________________ an actor.
5. A king is different _________________ a president.
6. A king is not the same ________________ a president.
7. Important people, ___________________ presidents, live in big houses.
8.John, ________________ other boys of his age, plays cricket.
9. He is behaving __________________ his father used to behave.

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