
With the ecxception of two sentences, all sentences contain one mistake.
1. This theory is new (for) me. ________________________________________ [This theory is new to me.]
2. Janet still lives by her parents. ____________________________________________ .
3. Can you pay the coffee? ___________________________________________ .
4. We live at 900 metres over sea level. _____________________________________________.
5. Lee always listens radio while eating lunch. ___________________________________________.
6. Someone's on the door. Please go and see who it is. __________________________________ .
7. I have several famous people under my friends. __________________________________ .
8. I searched my glasses everywhere. ______________________________________________________ .
9. Are you going to London with your car? ______________________________________________________ .
10. People who are allergic to pollen suffer from hay fever. _________________________________ .
11. We have lived in London since three years. ___________________________________________ .
12. I learnt about this business opportunity through chance. ___________________________ .
13. This book will be presented on the Frankfurt Book Fair. ____________________________ .
14. I'm sorry, but I'm very busy in the moment. ___________________________________________.
15. When she saw me, she waved me. ______________________________________________ .
16. Would you like a glass wine? ______________________________________________________ .
17. Paul is very good at playing the piano. ___________________________________________ .
18. With other words, you refuse to help me? ____________________________________________.
19. I'm German from birth, but I live in America now. ____________________________________ .
20. Jane refuses to lend people money out of principle. __________________________________ .