
In his lunch hour Tom is trying to find a boy whose father could drive Tom's soccer team to Southampton.
Here are the answers of the boys Tom asks.
The answers all contain gerunds.
Example: (hairdresser - to cut people's hair)
First boy: My father is a hairdresser. His job is cutting people's hair. Sorry, I cannot help you.
2. Second boy: (baker - to make bread)
3. Third boy: (milkman - to bring people milk)
4. Fourth boy: (teacher - to teach children)
5. Fifth boy: (fireman - put out fires)
6. Sixth boy: (postman - to bring people letters)
7. Seventh boy: (shopkeeper - to sell things)
8. Eighth boy: (butcher - to sell meat)
9. Ninth boy: (porter - to carry people's luggage)
10. Tenth boy: (driver - to drive a coach)