
Use the gerund after the expressions in brackets:
After some time the English were able to understand a little Norman French (to succeed in).
After some time the English succeeded in understanding a little French.

1. A lot of people said that they would not work for the Normans (to think of).
2. When King William needed money, he made up his mind to send his officers all over the country (to decide on). He wanted to find out how rich every village was (to be interested in).
3. People soon saw that it was useless to hide their horses and cows (to be no use), because the King's officers did not fear to go into the woods to look for the animals (to be afraid of).
4. The peasants could not escape these officers (to have no chance of).
5. When the officers had written everything down in the 'Domesday Book' (to have finished), every village had to pay some money to the King.

Connect these sentences by gerunds using the right prepositions.
Example: We got home. Then we heard from her.
After getting home, we heard from her.

6. He was seen when he arrived here.
7. You can do it before you leave town.
8. The broke the window. They could escape.
9. We discovered the danger. We didn't open the case.
10. They paid him. He brought the books.
11. We thanked her. She sent a lot of clothes.

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