
1. The Renaissance
Q 1: What Renaissance technique did Florentine artists develop by painting human subjects?
Q 2: In which profession did Leonardo da Vinci first seek employment?
2. The Reformation
Q 3: Which invention spread Martin Luther’s attacks on the Catholic Church?
Q 4: What central doctrine of the Eucharist was rejected by Protestants?
3. The Scientific Revolution
Q 5: Which Polish astronomer calculated that the Earth revolved around the Sun?
Q 6: What scientific discipline was founded by Isaac Newton?
4. The Enlightenment
Q 7: Name the odd one out: Locke, Hume, Leibniz, Mill, Voltaire
Q 8: Which English philosopher wrote Leviathan, in which life in a state of nature was “nasty, brutish and short”?
5. The American Revolution
Q 9: What right or power triggered Britain’s dispute with its American colonies?
Q10: American victory in what battle led France to join the war of independence?
6. The French Revolution
Q11: Which Jacobin leader instigated the Reign of Terror?
Q12: What name was given to working class revolutionaries of Paris, and why?
7. The Industrial Revolution
Q13: What machine developed by James Watt brought power to factories?
Q14: Name the weavers’ movement that broke machines to protest at job losses