
I. Add the -affix -friendly...
...to words in order to make a new word to complete each of the following sentences:
1. A restaurant which welcomes children is a ____________________________ restaurant.
2. A product which uses recycled material is an ______________________________ product.
3. A shop which places importance on the service it gives its clients is _________________________ .
4. A gadget or device which is simple to operate is _______________________________ .
II. Matching prefixes
Match one of the prefixes high, low and key with the words in the box to create new compounds. Sometimes the words can be used with more than one prefix.
brow - class - cost - frequency - maintenance - player - rise - board - calorie - word - flyer - question |
III. Acronyms and abbreviations
Do you know what they mean? If not, look them up on the Internet
1. BLT ____________________________________
2. DVT ____________________________________
3. PIN ____________________________________
4. CCTV ______________________________________
5. MTV _____________________________________
6. TGIF ____________________________________
7. FAQ _____________________________________
Source: English Teaching professional, July 28, 2003