
Find the correct word(s):

1. I shall (bezahlen) ___________________________the dinner.
2. We (fast nie) _____________________________ go to the movies.
3. The climate here is very (gesund) ______________________________.
4. I am convinced of his (Schuld) ___________________________.
5. They found shelter from the rain ín a (nahe) ______________________________ cottage.
6. We all laughed at (das was) ___________________________ he said.
7. I'm always (übel) ____________________________ on a plane.
8. I'll never (leihen) _____________________________ anything from him again.
9. I hadn't any money left and he hadn't (auch nicht) ____________________________ .
10. The scenery (erinnern an) _______________________ me _________ Scotland.
11. Don't tell Shirley, you know how (sensibel) ________________________ she is.
12. The (Kritiken) __________________________ weren't very favourable.
13. We must walk (weitere) _______________________ two miles.
14. Why did you (lassen) ____________________________ all the lights on?
15. The bridge will be (fertig) ___________________________ next week.
16. Two valuable paintings were (geraubt) ____________________________ from the museum.
17. Someone has (gebraucht) ___________________________ my toothbrush.
18. This is the (kürzeste) _______________________ way, but the road is rather bad.
19. It (waren) _____________________ the chimpanzees that the children liked best.
20. The weather didn't look very (gut) ____________________________ this morning.
21. I don't know if we can come, I must ask my wife (zuerst) ______________________ .
22. I'm not used (zu werden) __________________________ kept waiting.
23. The doctor wrote out a (Rezept) __________________________ .
24. A lot of houses have been built here in the (letzten) ___________________________ years.
25. He (erklärte) __________________________ us how he had done it.
26. The latest (Daten) ________________________ are not yet available.
27. I didn't know (was für eine) _______________________ language they were speaking.
28. I won't be here in the next (beiden) ____________________ weeks.
29. He is a good student, but he lacks (Selbstbewußtsein) _____________________________ .
30. I don't approve of the government's (Politik) ______________________________ .
31. Paul's greatest (Fehler) ______________________ is that he can't keep a secret.
32. Your excuses certainly show a great deal of (Phantasie) _________________________ .
33. Let me tell you very (kurz) _______________________ what I have heard.
34. When (ist) _____________________ he born?
35. We (bemerkten) ________________________ that a car was following us.
36. I was worried about the (letzen) _________________________ developments in the car industry.
37. You'd better take a bus. It's too far to (gehen) __________________________ .
38. One of the men was short and (dick) ______________________ .
39. He's been (krank) _______________________ for the last two weeks.
40. I can (bringen) ___________________________ to the airport.

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