
A. Are you good at writing and spelling?
Fill in the right words in brackets

1. The shopkeeper asked me ____________ pay __________ dollars for a pound of steak. That was ________ much. (to/too/two)

2. I _________ the bus coming. ___________ it is. (here/to hear)

3. I have ________ coat and _________ umbrella. Do you ________ where they are ? (to know/no)

4. He sat in a ________ bus and ________ the newspaper. (red/he read)

5. "I want you to _______ Mrs. Meyer. She wasrnot allowed to take ________ into the U.S.A." (meat/to meet)

6. Please _________ these words. But _________ them the _________ way. (right/to write)

7. Susan wanted a ... dress. She ... that she could buy a cheap dress at Macy's. (new/I knew)

8. Everybody _________ that the _________ is a part of the face. (nose/he knows)

9. We went ________ car to the supermarket to ________ some vegetables. (by/to buy)

10. I bought __________ meat and paid the ________ of $3. (sum/some)

11. ________ train was one ________ late, so we went window-shopping for an ________ (hour/our)

12. A cowboy __________ along the ________ (road/he rode)

B. Make sentences with these words to show the difference between them.

there/their; ________________________________________________________________________________________

where/to wear; ______________________________________________________________________________

sea/to see; _________________________________________________________________________________

flower/flour; _______________________________________________________________________________________

eye/I; ______________________________________________________________________________________________

son/sun _____________________________________________________________________________________________

C. Ask a class-mate something. After he has answered tell the class about it.

You: "Klaus, do you play tennis?" — Klaus: "No. I don't play tennis."
You: "I asked Klaus if he played tennis and he said he didn't play tennis."

These sentences will help you:
Do you like camping?



Do you play table-tennis?



Do you often go dancing?



Do you often watch TV?



Are you interested in stamps?



Where do you live?



What do you do in the evenings ?



Have you ever seen a baseball game ?



D. How people do something

Henry never does his work _______________ (bad).

He doesn't get tired _______________(easy).

He always works ________________ (hard).

and he works _______________(fast).

Henry drives his car _______________________(careful).

He drives ________________(slow).

He drives ___________________________ (careful) than all his friends.

He really drives _________________________(careful).(superlative)

Henry plays tennis ____________________ (good)

He plays hockey _____________________ (very good)

He plays hockey ______________________ (good) than handball.

He plays baseball ___________________ (good) (superlative).

Note the difference!

Is this real gold or does it only look like gold ? Was the girl really ill? — Yes, she had the measles.

The usual way to get food is to buy it. Eskimos usually exchange furs for food.

Most Canadians live in southern Canada. Northern Canada is mostly wilderness.

There is a station near the trading post. It is nearly 6 o'clock. We nearly missed the train.

The pilots had a hard time. They tried hard to find their way. They could hardly see anything.

E. Asking questions

The hostess asks her guest some questions. Here are the answers.

_____________________________________________________________ Yes, I'm from Berlin.

_____________________________________________________________ I learned English at school.

_____________________________________________________________ Yes, I like London very much.

_____________________________________________________________ I arrived two days ago.

______________________________________________________________ No, I came by boat.

______________________________________________________________ I'm staying with my aunt.

______________________________________________________ I'll stay in London for three weeks.

_________________________________________________________ No, I haven't seen the Tower yet.

__________________________________________________________ No, I've never been to Scotland.

____________________________________________ Thank you, I'd like to come to dinner tomorrow.

F. Make one sentence out of two, using 'who' or 'which'.

Gopal's sister is very pretty. She has a tip on her forehead.
Gopal's sister, who is very pretty, has a tip on her forehead.

Gopal lives in West Bengal, India. He has just written me a letter.

Sujata is fifteen years old. She is not yet married.

Gopal's father is a teacher. He teaches the villagers how to grow rice.

Tigers and leopards are dangerous animals. They live in the jungle.

Gopal had forgotten his gun. He saw a leopard in the jungle.

The two water-buffaloes were rather old. They stopped every few minutes.

The monster was swimming in Loch Ness. It was made of green rubber.


G. Please put the words in brackets in the right place.

(usually) She works in her office until 5 o'clock. Then she goes home.


(often) Does she see her parents? No. She cannot see them.

(sometimes) Don't her parents come to Kano? At harvest time they do.

(always) Does her father sell his groundnuts in Kano ? Yes, he does.

(never, ever) Sikira has been to London. Have you been to London?

(certainly) "We'll have bad luck," I said. "We'll run over a person."

(only) The driver shook his head. He answered, "No."

(never, always) "I've had an accident. I wear an amulet."

(almost) Yesterday a young man and a bus-driver had a fight.

(always, usually) Some years ago Kojo wore a long gown. Now he wears a suit.

(certainly) In July Sikira will go to London. She'll have a good time.


H. Difficult words! Do you know the difference?

(to become / to get) My uncle has __________ a famous man. What has __________ of Kojo? He has ___________ a job at the airport. He is ill now, but he'll __________ well soon.

{to bring / to take) I want to ____________ a box of sweets to an old lady who __________ me some flowers yesterday. Please __________ me a clean plate and __________ this away.

( to see / to look) Yesterday Tom said, "__________! There is Mary. Can you __________ her ? __________ at her! She ___________ very pretty." I __________ around, but I couldn't __________ her because she had already gone round the corner.

( to hear / to listen) "__________! Do you __________ a noise?" — "No, I'm __________ to the radio and can __________ nothing else." — "Do you often __________ from your brother?" — "No. He __________ to the radio every evening but he never writes a letter."

( to carry / to wear) In India women __________ saris. In northern Nigeria men __________ long gowns, women __________ their babies on their backs. I can't __________ this bag.

( to tell / to say) "I want to go to school," Sikira __________ to Kojo. — "I'll take you to Kano," he __________ "I can't __________ you how happy I am," __________ Sikira. "Can you __________ me what time the bus arrives ?" — "No, I can't," Kojo __________ his sister.

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