Henry, a boy of eleven, is sent to Newgate Prison. When asked about his life, this is what he says:
My father had wandered around Shropshire as a farm worker all his life and had no real home.
> Having wandered around Shropshire as a farm worker all his life, my father had no real home.
Find participle constructions for the verbs in italics:
1. At the age of five I lost my father and was sent from one family to the other.
2. At last I was put in a workhouse and had to work for ten hours every day.
3. The master of the workhouse was afraid that I should run away, and so he did not allow me to leave the house.
4. As I was able to move freely about the whole house and in the yard, I found life in the workhouse pleasant enough.
5. I was quite happy there, because I had my daily food and a place to sleep.
6. I had lived in the workhouse until my tenth birthday; then I was sent to work for a farmer.
7. I liked farmwork. So I was very sad when the farmer died.
8. After I had left the farm I led a very restless life.
9. I wandered from place to place and looked for work.
10. One day I happened to cross a field which belonged to a judge.
11. I saw a hen, threw my stick at it and killed it.
12. While I was killing the hen, I was watched by the judge.
13. I was found guilty and was sent to Newgate Prison for seven years.