
Possible assignments as to text analyses

A text analysis is to consist of assignments concerningsubject matter, form and comment (Inhalt, Form, Stellungnahme) as to the text given. On the following page I'll make a few suggestions as to what questions/tasks can be asked/given to pupils.

1. What is the writer's topic / subject? Sum it up in about 100-120 words.
2. What are the writer's general themes?
3. What conflict does the story present?
4. State what the problem is and what solution is suggested.
5. What is the main idea of each paragraph?
6. What is the writer's attitude towards his subject matter?
7. What evidence does the writer bring forward in order to support his opinion?
8. Characterize the main figures as they appear to you in this text.
9. Compare these two characters.....What have they got in common and what differences in character are they?
10.Analyse the respective roles of these two characters.... and relate ypour findings to what you know about the role of women in the 19th century.

1. Descibe the composition of the text/story/narration/fable.
2. Descibe the form of the poem.
3. Into how many sections could the text be divided? Give the main points of each section.
4. Descibe/analyse the structure of the story.
5. Explain the narrative structure of the story (exposition, different stages, development, turning point, denouement).
6. How has the writer ordered/arranged his material/subject matter/subtopics/arguments?
7. What is the point of view employed in this passage?
8. Descibe the point of view employed in the text and its function, i.e. the effect it produces.
9. What means/mode of presentation is used?
10. Characterize the language the author makes use of to give the speech more emphasis.
11. Characterize the language used in both the narrative parts and the dialogues.
12. What stylistic means does the author employ in order to characterize the children/the couple etc.
13. How does the language of the two characters reflect their present social status?
14. What narrative and stylistic devices does the author use to convince the reader?
15. What symbols/images/metaphors and their functions does the author use to convince the reader?
16. Analyse the language of the article concerning register and style. Take into account both lexis and syntax.
17. What register do the participants in the discussion primarily use?
18. How is tension built up throughout the story?
19. What is the tone of the text and what means does the writer employ to convey his tone?
20. What techniques are used to bring about the obviously humorous effects in the text?
21. Describe the text form by naming its characteristic features.
22. Point out the characteristic elements of a short story and examine whether they can be found in this story as well.
23. The purpose of a news story is to enable the addressee to form his own independent opinion of facts and events without being infuenced by the reporter's references to his own views. Show to what extent this article holds true to above definition.
24. Descibe the text type represented by the above passage.
25. Would you say that this text is mainly argumentative or expository? Give reasons.
26. The passage at hand shows some features of an argumentative text. Find evidence to support this statement.
27. In what kind of publication would you possibly find this text?

1. Do you personally agree with the author's view on.../as expressed in ll.20-30 ?
2. Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of...!
3. Do your personal experiences support the author's view that the outside world usually exerts the stronger influence on young people?
4. State you personal opinion about this type of advertisement.
5. Taking into account the fact/ Bearing in mind that the author wants to achieve a certain purpose, would you say that his choice of language/style is appropriate and effectice?
6. Discuss whether or not you think '......' is a well-written short story.
7. Name and compare other short stories with the one given to you.
8. Against the background of what you know about ..., what view do you take of..?
9. Can the problem dealt with in the text also be found in your country? Comapre the situation in the USA/England and Germany.
10. Do you share the author's views on...?

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