TESTS: Multiple-choice: Find the right word

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A latter B recent C current D former


Changing history
In (0) ___________________ years, it has become fashionable to explain sudden changes in the past by (1) _________________ them to a natural disaster. Now (2) ______________ has been uncovered which suggests that the Dark Ages were also caused by a catastrophe. In 535 AD, a volcano, Krakatoa, (3) _____________________ with a force equal to 2,000 million Hiroshima bombs. This (4) _____________________ to a natural nuclear winter which, in turn, had dramatic (5) ___________________ on global history. In many parts of the world, there was a lack of rainfall. The resulting (6) ____________________ and famine forced people to migrate and invade areas where there was food. In other parts, a massive increase in rainfall meant that rats thrived and (7) ______________________ a disease, the plague, into Europe. This disease (8) ______________________ rapidly and killed up to 80% of the populations of some cities.

Although some experts have (9) _____________________ this theory, science and historical records have supported it. Scientists have discovered, that tree rings in wood from all (10) ______________________ the world indicate there was low growth in the years following the disaster due to a decrease in temperature. As regards history, the Roman historian, Procupius, reported that the sun didn't shine (11) __________________ for about a year.

This new theory supports the idea that a natural disaster can be responsible for the disappearance of a (12) _______________________ civilisation. It should also warn us about what global warming might do to our own civilisation.

1. A bonding B combining C joining D linking

2. A testimony B evidence C fact D proof

3. A collided B erupted C burst D blasted

4. A resulted B caused C led D created

5. A effects B conclusions C meanings D circumstances

6. A draught B flood C current D drought

7. A transported B located C carried D transferred

8. A spread B scattered C distributed D moved

9. A denied B refused , C rejected D turned

10. A through B along C across D over

11. A usually B regularly C typically D normally

12. A total B whole C complete D full

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