
I. Give a single word for each of the following
1. to walk in a leisurely manner _______________________
2. to walk as silently as possible ______________________
3. to walk like a soldier _________________________
4. to walk with big steps ________________________
5. to walk continuously backwards and forwards __________________________
6. to walk steadily for a long distance __________________________
7. to walk with an injured leg ________________________
8. to walk with short quick steps ___________________________
II. Form verbs from the following
9.high __________________
10. sad _______________________
11.full __________________
12. witch _______________________
13.sweet __________________
14. low _______________________
15.large __________________
16. food _______________________
III. Give the abstract nouns of
17.crooked __________________
18. capable _______________________
19.fellow __________________
20. deep _______________________
21.solid __________________
22. candid _______________________
23.child __________________