
The following is a selection of questions from the Advanced Placement (AP) exam in History, which American High School students can sit for. This way they can earn credits which are later acknowledged when they go on to college.

1. The seventeenth-century picture above illustrates:
(A) the spread of democratic ideals during this period
(B) new developments in architecture
(C) merging differences between medieval and early modern religious practices
(D) the increasing emphasis on scientific measurement and observation
(E) astronomers' rediscovery of the Ptolemaic system
The shaded portions on the map above represent the areas:
(A) controlled by Protestant rulers
(B) where the Renaissance first occurred
(C) ruled by the Hapsburg family
(D) ruled by the Bourbon family
(E) affected most by urbanization and the commercial revolution
A historian would be most likely to cite the sculpture above as an example of the:
(A) material wealth of the post-Second World War Europe
(B) alienation in the modern society
(C) obsession of contemporary European culture with athletic prowess
(D) scarcity of sculpting materials in Italy immediately after the Second World War
(E) revival of Renaissance Humanism
The British cartoon above refers to:
(A) the Soviet blockade of Berlin in 1948-1949
(B) Soviet export policies of the 1950s
(C) the installaltion of Soviet missiles in Cuba in 1962
(D) the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968
(E) the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991
The fresco above, 'The School of Athens', is characteristic of the thought and art of:
(A) medieval Scholasticism
(B) the Rococo period
(C) the Italian Renaissance
(D) Romanticism
(E) the baroque era

"I know that society may be formed so as to exist without crime, without poverty, with health greatly improved, with little, if any, misery, and with intelligence and happiness increased a hundred-fold; and no obstacle whatsoever intervenes at this moment, except ignorance, to prevent such a state of society from becoming universal."
The quotation above best illustrates the ideology of which of the following?
(A) Utopian socialism
(B) Classical liberalism
(C) Fascism
(D) Marxism
(E) Syndicalism
All of the following were aspects of the British social welfare program as it developed between 1906 and 1916 EXCEPT:
(A) a minimum-wage law
(B) old-age pensions
(C) guaranteed annual income
(D) accident and sickness insurance
(E) unemployment benefits
The Industrial Revolution in eighteenth-century England primarily involved new techniques in:
(A) shoe manufacturing
(B) textile production
(c) ship construction
(D) furniture manufacturing
(E) steel production

Which of the following was an outcome of the settlement at the Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)?
(A) The restoration to power of many of the dynasties deposed by the French Revolution and by Napoleon I
(B) The division of Europe based on the principle of aligning territorial boundaries with the national sentiments of the inhabitants
(C) The award of overseas colonial territories to several countries that made significant contributions to the defeat of Napoleon I
(D) The recognition of the right of a people to choose whom they would accept as their lawful ruler
(E) The creation of a unified German state through the reestablishment of the Holy Roman Empire
The close relationship between Romanticism and religion during the nineteenth century was strengthened by the fact that both:
(A) found a common ground in the Enlightenment
(B) emphasized the benefits to society of new industrial technology
(C) appealed almost exclusively to the middle class
(D) opposed imperialist expansion
(E) stressed the unity of the emotions and the will

Source: Advanced Placement Program Course Description - History - May 2001, The College Board (www.collegeboard.org.ap)

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