(Nov. 06, 07)

The speech in full

" My Lords and members of the House of Commons.

My Government will take forward policies to respond to the rising aspirations of the people of the United Kingdom; to ensure security for all; and to entrust more power to Parliament and the people.

My Government's programme will meet people's aspirations for better education, housing, healthcare and children's services, and for a cleaner environment.

My Government is committed to raising educational standards and giving everyone the chance to reach their full potential.

A Bill will be introduced to ensure that young people stay in education or training until age 18, and to provide new rights to skills training for adults.

Draft legislation will be brought forward to reform apprenticeships.

Available and affordable housing is one of my Government's main priorities.

Legislation will be introduced to create a new homes and Communities Agency that will deliver more social and affordable housing, and promote regeneration.

There will also be a Bill to reform the planning system, providing for quicker and more transparent decision-making.

My Government is committed to providing a healthcare system organised around the needs of the patient.

Legislation will be introduced to create a stronger health and social care regulator with a remit to ensure clean and safe services and high-quality care.

A Bill will be brought forward to reform the regulation of human embryology and to ensure that Britain remains at the forefront of medical research.

My Government wants all children to have the best possible start in life.

There will be a Bill to improve services for vulnerable children and young people, including those in care.

My Government will bring forward proposals to help people achieve a better balance between work and family life.

Legislation will be introduced to enable unclaimed money in dormant bank accounts to be used for youth facilities, financial inclusion an social investment.

A bill will place a duty on every employer to contribute to good quality workplace pensions for their employees.

My Government is committed to protecting the environment and to tackling climate change, both at home and abroad.

A bill will be brought forward to make the United Kingdom the first country in the world to introduce a legally binding framework to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

My Government will introduce legislation to provide clean, secure and affordable supplies of energy.

There will be legislation to tackle congestion and improve public transport.

Alongside measures to meet rising aspirations, my government will take further action to create stronger communities and tackle terrorism.

Legislation to reform the criminal justice system will continue to be taken forward, with the aim of protecting the public and reducing re-offending.

My Government will publish a draft bill on citizenship.

My Government will seek a consensus on changes to the law on terrorism so that the police and other agencies have the powers they need to protect the public, whilst preserving essential rights and liberties.

My Government will pursue policies to secure a stable a strong economy, with low inflation, sound public finances, and high levels of employment.

Legislation will be brought forward to protect depositors and ensure confidence in the banking system.

A bill will be introduced to reduce regulatory burdens on business.

My Government is committed to openness and accountability, and to a strong parliament able to hold the government properly to account.

Proposals will be brought forward to renew the constitutional settlement, and strengthen the relationship between government, parliament and the people.

My Government will bing forward proposals on the regulation of party finance and expenditure.

Members of the House of Commons.

Estimates for the public services will be laid before you.

My Government will continue to work closely with the devolved administrations in the interests of all the people of the United Kingdom.

My lords and Member of the House of Commons.

My Government will continue to work to build a prosperous and secure European Union, better able to respond to the challenges of globalisation. Legislation will be brought forward to enable parliament to approve the European Union Reform Treaty.

Reducing global poverty will be a high priority for my government, with renewed efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The Duke of Edinburgh and I look forward to visiting Uganda later this month for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

My Government will continue to work with the Government of Iraq to deliver security, political reconciliation and economic reconstruction.

My Government will continue to support the government of Afghanistan as it tackles extremism, instability, and the narcotics trade.

My Government will continue to work with the United Nations, G8 and the European Union to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, including addressing international concerns over Iran's nuclear intentions.

My Government will maintain Britain's strong commitment to reaching a lasting peace settlement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Other measures will be laid before you.

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons: I pray that the blessing of Almighty God may rest upon your counsels."

Source: BBC NEWS / UK POLITICS, Nov. 06, 2007

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