
The GAP Activity Projects Ltd. in cooperation with the ZAV (Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung) in Frankfurt offers a Volunteer programme for young Germans who have just taken their Abitur or who are students in their early semesters.
The programme has the aim of helping young Germans to get to know Great Britain by living and working with British people and so developing their own personalities. All the experience gained will be through social sector placements (Art Praktikumsstellen), e.g. homes for disabled people, independent living projects or helping at a school as a care assistant. Applicants should be prepared to work hard for just pocket money, be willing to communicate easily and be able to adapt quickly and to avoid unnecessary difficulties.

Details of the programme:

  • period: Sep. to March or Sep. to mid-July for placements in schools
  • participants should have passed their Abi or be students in early semesters
  • age limit: 18 - 23
  • a good command of English has to be proved at interview
  • jobs will be in the social sector and accomodation will mainly be in residential centres in which case full board is mostly provided; pocket money will only be £25-50 per week
  • placements will be in the south or in the Midlands
  • one-day interviews in Berlin or Frankfurt
  • initial seminar in GB
  • costs: c. £500 for one seminar with full board and lodging and administration cost
  • health-insured with the NHS
  • application should contain:
    one typed application form
    one passport photo
    one curriculum vitae
    copy of Abizeugnis or Immatrikulationsbescheinigung
    two photocopied sets of your application

    Send application to:
    Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung
    Internationale Arbeitsvermittlung
    Postfach 170545
    60079 Frankfurt a.M.

  • deadline for application: usually end of January
  • phone: 069-7111-483
Stand: Dez. 98

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