
Studying in America requires a lot of preparation, beginning from choosing the right college/university, obtaining the relevant information about the colleges you apply for, filling out the application form or getting the right visa. Almost all these problems can be solved with the help of the Internet.
A good option for international students to begin is American Colleges & Universities Web site and magazine, which are devoted to international students looking for a college in the United States.

Check colleges where you stand a good chance of being accepted and which possibly offer financial aid to non-Americans.

Here is a list of the most popular universities with international students. In 1998-99 nearly one quarter of them attended institutions in just 10 U.S. counties:

New York University
Boston University
University of Southern Cakifornia
Columbia University
University of Texas at Austin
Ohio State University
Purdue University
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Harvard University
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Pennsylvania
Texas A&M University
University of Minisota, Twin Cities

Hidden Treasures
The best schools are not necessarily the best ones. Here are the schools that guidance counselors most often recommend as 'hidden treasures' - good schools that aren't as well known as they should be.
Recognized as being good schools
If guidance counselors are asked what schools they would attend if they could repeat their college years, they would mention the following schools.
Augustana College, IL Arizona State University, AZ
Central Michigan University, MI Boston College, MA
Christopher Newport University, VA California State University, CA
College of the Ozarks, MO Hampton University, VA
Colorado College, CO North Dakota State University, ND
Grand Canyon University, AZ Oklahoma State University, OK
Grove City College, PA Stanford University, CA
Kalamazoo College, MI UC at Berkeley, CA
Lewis and Clark College, OR University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
Trinity University, TX University of Southern California, CA
University of the Pacific, CA Whitworth College, WA

After you have decided which college you would like to go to, you have to prepare your application. And again, the Internet is your friend of assistance:

Click here and you will not only find an application form to download but you can even apply online. This online Common Application is accepted by 209 independent colleges. You complete one Common Application, then send photocopies to the other participating colleges you are interested in. Paper applications still dominate, but that's changing rapidly.
  • Photocopy your application forms, never send originals,
  • keep copies of everything you submit,
  • remember deadlines (usually July),
  • always include a fax number and e-mail address,
  • make sure your name appears in exactly the same way on all parts of the application,
  • pay the admission fee in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank or an international money order in   U.S. dollars

    Make sure you have passed a required language test, such as APIEL, which is the Advanced Placement International English Language certificate or the TOEFL-test.

    If you are not sure which college to choose, go to one or two of the following sites:

    More tips on how to apply can be found by clicking on the following pictures:

    If you are German or Turk and want to study in the USA, Canada or Australia, here is the site to go.

    If you're looking for odd jobs, internships (Praktika) or just want to take a gap year, then go to the following sites:

    If you look for work for one year to earn money for college

    When invited for an interview at an American college, make sure that you can answer most of the following questions with 'yes':

  • Do you actively pursue your interests?
  • Are you a good team player? Able to get along with others?
  • Have you demonstrated a commitment to your community/neighborhood?
  • Have you excelled in academics, the arts, or on the athletic field?
  • Have you exhibited leadership skills?
  • Do you possess unique skills and interests?

    If you are not sure how to write a CV (Lebenslauf), look here where you will find examples of all kinds of cv's

    A more British-oriented site to obtain info on voluntary overseas services

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