Alltag in Großbritannien Ein sehr hilfreiches Buch für Berufstätige, Studenten, Au-Pairs und Schüler ist Großbritannien ein beliebtes Ziel, um Auslandserfahrung zu sammeln und Englischkenntnisse zu perfektionieren. Daneben entscheiden sich jedes Jahr mehrere Tausend England-, Schottland- oder Wales-Fans, mit Kind und Kegel auf die Insel überzusiedeln. Und so manch einer nimmt den Auslandsumzug der Liebe wegen auf sich. Mit diesem Ratgeber erhalten Sie praxistaugliche Informationen zu Themen wie Umzug, Wohnungssuche, Immobilienkauf, Behördengänge, Versorgungsleister, Telekommunikation, Arbeitsleben, Jobsuche, Existenzgründung, Geldfragen, Gesundheitswesen, Steuern, Sozialversicherungen, Kinderbetreuung, Schule, Universität, Freizeitaktivitäten, Autofahren, Einkaufen, Küche und vieles mehr. Daneben finden Sie Tipps, wie Sie Ihr Englisch feinjustieren, die britische Mentalität richtig einschätzen und sich durch socialising bald heimisch fühlen. Welcome to the British way of life!
Would you pass the British citizenship test? To find this out, try the following sample test on the following site: UK TEST ONLINE In full: text of the 2010 Queen’s Speech from: Times Online, May 25, 2010 Read about the "North Pacific Trash Gyre", the world's largest rubbish dump. The trash vortex is an area the size of Texas in the North Pacific in which an estimated 6 kilos of plastic for every kilo of natural plankton, along with other slow degrading garbage, swirls slowly around like a clock, choked with dead fish, marine mammals, and birds who get snared. Look! Worldwide Growth of the Internet from 1998 to 2008. GERMANY'S NEWS IN ENGLISH Täglich Business Englisch per E-Mail lernen mit Owad-For-Business Viele gute Links zum Online Englisch Lernen The Billion Dollar Gram Billions spent on this. Billion spent on that. It's all relative... Official German government translation of the speech given by Chancellor Angela Merkel before the US Congress on Nov. 3, 2009 OWAD is the FREE e-mail service which systematically improves your professional English. Every weekday you receive an important word or idiom selected from the international press. Insider's English enthält eine riesige Linksammlung und Informationen für Englischlernende Everything about Christmas traditions in the UK, collected by 'Woodlands Junior School', UK. Very nice work! Play and practise your spelling skills every day here!! Planning to study at Oxbridge? Here are some useful tips how to apply etc., but hurry the deadline expires soon. Hier finden Schüler von Fachoberschulen und Berufsoberschulen – ebenso wie alle Englisch-Interessierten – zur Verbesserung ihrer sprachlichen Fähigkeiten im Englischen eine große Material- und Linksammlung, die speziell auf die an FOS und BOS üblichen Aufgabenformate zugeschnitten ist. DieKinderbuchhandlung 'mundo azul' bietet seit Sommer 2008 am Standort Choriner Str. 49, in Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg eine in dieser Form einzigartige Auswahl Internationaler Kinderbücher und Jugendliteratur. Sie wendet sich darum insb. an mehrsprachig aufwachsende Kinder und deren Eltern. The leading online English school.Im Privat- oder Gruppenunterricht KonversationsEnglisch, BusinessEnglish, Englisch f. Mediziner etc. nach neuesten Methoden lernen. Am Ende gibt's ein zertifiziertes Sprachdiplom. Gratis testen. Watch and listen to HARDTALK (BBC) with Stephen Suckur interviewing Wolfgang Schäuble, esp. the last 10' when Suckur aks him about Germany's engagement in Afghanistan. (You need the RealPlayer) President Obama's speech, entitled 'A New Beginning', delivered at Cairo University on June 4, 2009 (TimesOnline) Migration Controversies The Royal Geographical Society has recently produced a guide to current research on migration and its impacts on the UK economy. Entitled 'UK Migration Controversies - A Simple Guide' the report aims to help everyone better understand the viewpoints and debates within this area. * Controversy 1: Increases in international migration result from liberal policies and weak border controls. * Controversy 2: Countries such as the UK support a disproportionate number of the world's refugees. * Controversy 3: Migration is bad for the developing world because it leads to 'brain drain'. * Controversy 4: Migrants take more from the economy than they put in. * Controversy 5: Migration doesn't solve the problem of an ageing population because migrants get old too. LINGUEE, a slightly different dictionary, but great! [] bietet alles rund ums Studieren. Vom 'Studium ohne Abi' bis 'Studium mit Kind'...und viel, viel mehr! The WashingtonPost.comThe Caldwells: A Family's Long Civil Rights Journey March Through History and Hope (incl. video); you must, however, sign in (free). On Language: Inaugural Words: 1789 to the Present (interactive chart), including all inaugural speeches in full. Teacher's Guide on Michael Moore's film, on gun control etc. On America's best high schools and colleges. On the African American civil rights movement. Vice Presidential Debate - Oct. 2, 2008 AUDIOBOOKS (Shakespeare etc.) BritFilms is a schools film festival that offers a package of five British films touring German cinemas, where the films are presented in special school matinees for kids from age 10 to 18. In conjunction with the screenings they also offer a number of film education workshops for English teachers. Among the films are THIS IS ENGLAND (Shane Meadows, 2006), A HARD DAY’S NIGHT (Beatles) (Richard Lester, 1964) or YASMIN (Kenneth Glenaan, 2003). Careerjet is an employment search engine. It has more than 5m jobs published in the US. If you don't happen to be under 20 and no English teenager, you wouldn't necessarily know what 'nang' means.'nang' is teenage language and means 'cool, excellent, brilliant'. Click for more. Sprachenlernen für Kinder im Kindersprachclub Learn English by listening to songs, reading their lyrics, answering questions and practising grammar concerning the songs. Parliament and the British Slave Trade 1600-1807 - The Act of Parliament to abolish the British Slave Trade, passed on 25 March 1807, was the culmination of one of the first and most successful public campaigns in history. Read this book if you want to acquire a more critical view of the Israel Lobby on US Foreign policy. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is the most important organisation to exert that influence. A Climate of Conflict: The Links Between Climate Change, Peace and War. The latest on climate change by International Alert. Order here free or download. History of the English Language This website designed by Yoyce Chan includes a list of links to on-line, worldwide resources for the study of the English language and its history. Too Late to Speak the Truth about Immigration
See the Archbishop of Canterbury on YouTube
Truthiness Voted 2005 Word of the Year. In its 16th annual words of the year vote, the American Dialect Society voted truthiness as the word of the year. First heard on the Colbert Report, a satirical mock news show on the Comedy Channel, truthiness refers to the quality of stating concepts or facts one wishes or believes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true. As Stephen Colbert put it, “I don’t trust books. They’re all fact, no heart.” Fantastic site (NEW) on finding and offering jobs with the help of databases. Listen to more than 1200 Voice Recordings. Listen in to the diverse voices of the British Isles – from Shetland to Penzance. Eavesdrop on Rotarians in Pitlochry and Travellers in Belfast. Drop in on skateboarders in Milton Keynes. Overhear pigeon fanciers in Durham. High School-stays in six different countries. Teaching English is a site by the BBC and the British Council where you'll find teaching material on vocabulary, literature, socio-cultural awareness and many lesson plans.
If you don't mind online ads, go here and learn English by playing. Good for relief lessons.
A repository of the most ancient artefacts from the Iraq Museum, Baghdad. If you happen to teach History in a bilingual class, go here. Lesson plans on topical texts from newsapers.
An excellent source for teacher of English at the Grund-and Hauptschule. Also for teachers who look for useful tips on how to teach the language.
HeadsUp is an online debating space where under-18s can discuss serious political issues with serious people. One of the main topics will be the General Elections 2005, the forum of which will run from April 25th - May 13th.
MODERN PUNJABI BEATS - The dhol is a north Indian drum made from goatskin, and anybody who has stood next to one will testify to how loud it sounds when played. The Dhol Foundation is a collection of professional and semiprofessional UK musicians giving the centuries-old drumming traditions of the Punjab (Punjab means land of five rivers as it has five rivers running through it, the soil is very fertile) a modern twist.
Quirks & Quarks is the award-winning radio science program of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The program is heard by a national audience in Canada of nearly 500,000 people. It is also heard around the world on short-wave via Radio Canada International.
All about SCIENCE subjects (physics, chemistry, biology, geography etc.)
The Library of Congress is the world’s biggest library, and its digital companion, online since 1990, is the comprehensive gateway to 128m historical records, documents and images, as well as hundreds of recordings in the American Memory section, including Thomas Edison movies of Annie Oakley, a Sioux ghost dance and New York’s elevated railway.
Many fantastic photos from stars in space. The sight of two black holes colliding is one of the many spectacular images captured by the orbiting Chandra x-ray observatory, on show at this vast database.
The key NMSI contributors to the site are the Science Museum, the National Museum of Photography, Film & Television, the National Railway Museum, the Science & Society Picture Library and the Science Museum Library. Ingenious is a new website that brings together images and viewpoints to create insights into science and culture. It weaves unusual and thought-provoking connections between people, innovations and ideas. Drawing on the resources of NMSI, the site contains over 30,000 images which are used to illustrate over 30 different subjects, topics and debates.
This is a perfect resource for teachers and politicians, with science-related news and historical archives accompanied by features and web-streamed debates on hot issues such as stem-cell research and nanotechnology. Inform yourself on cloning, stem cells, genes, the environment etc.
Dieser Site versteht sich als Anlaufstelle und Sammelpunkt für alle, die sich in deutscher Sprache über den Autor T.Coraghessan Boyle informieren und mit anderen Interessierten austauschen möchten.
"At our school we teach more than 10 different foreign languages. We are an International team of highly skilled instructors from all over the world. We offer language instruction for children, adults and also for corporations."
Hidden Lives Revealed provides an intriguing encounter with children who were in the care of The Children's Society in late Victorian and early 20th Century Britain.
Die für den Landeskundeunterricht unerläßliche Zeitschrift World and Press, z.B. enthält Originalartikel aus renommierten britischen und amerikanischen Zeitungen und bietet Ihnen 2x im Monat die interessantesten Beiträge aus Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft, Technik, Umwelt, Kultur und Freizeit. World and Press berichtet vor allem aus den USA und Großbritannien, aber auch über andere Regionen der Welt, in denen Englisch gesprochen wird. Zu jedem Artikel gibt es ein ausführliches englisch-deutsches Vokabular.
As I can imagine that you don't want to travel to the cold Artic, read and see all about Canada's polar life and environment here. Look at the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the USA or the Bill of Rights in their original forms. Canada's Aquatic Environments is dedicated to the improvement of educational materials available to schools, postsecondary institutions, and the general public through the use of interactive digital media. This is an ideal site if you happen to teach biology bilingually.
Der TOEIC© Test of English for International Communication misst die Fähigkeit, die englische Sprache in einem internationalen Arbeitsumfeld anzuwenden. Er richtet sich bes. an Schulen des beruflichen Bereiches, Fachhochschulen, Universitäten, Berufsakademien und andere Bildungsträger. Library and Archives Canada's Learning Centre brings together a wealth of educational resources for students and teachers, including comprehensive teaching units and strategies, lesson plans, quizzes and games. Primary-source items such as diary entries, letters, maps and photos have been specially selected from Library and Archives Canada's collection.
Orisinal is a Flash games site with a difference. For younger pupils. Ferry Halim (the inventor and producer of these games), an Indonesian freelance web developer who lives in California, has said, 'I try to make games that are nonviolent because we have lots of violence already'. A site on German emigrants to Canada. Emigrants from Lower Saxony, the Rhine valley, Schwaben-Neuburg etc., leaving their homes from the mid-1700's to recent post-war times. If you happen to teach science, i.e. physics bilingually, go here. If you happen to teach biology bilingually, go here. Absolutely fantastic interactive site for children who want to know all about space! All the national and regional newspapers published online. Major magazines included. The Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto) is the largest museum in Canada with an internationally renowned collection numbering more than five million objects. From galleries of art, archaeology and science, showcasing the world’s culture and natural history, to exciting public programs and events, the ROM offers a truly engaging museum experience.
Just for a change: go and watch the play April in Paris by John Godber in The English Theatre of Hamburg and listen to authentic English!
If you are interested in Iraq's cultural heritage, visit the Iraq Museum in Baghdad.
If teach history in a bilingual class and work on a project dealing with the Norman Conquest, castles, medieval life or the murder of Thomas Becket, this is the site you shouldn't miss.
Through this web-based simulator, you can imagine how a manned Mars mission would look like.
If you happen to have some spare time, go here and play.
For English speaking people with a large variety of topics on education, politics, music, exchange programmes etc.
You don't know what the origin of Valentine's Day is? Here is where you can get help..
This website has been written for people from other countries who go to the UK to study, to work or on holiday.
Moving Here is to explore, record and illustrate why people came to England over the last 200 years, and what their experiences were and continue to be. The site mainly looks at the Caribbean, Irish, Jewish and South Asian communities.
Here you'll find many archives on Canada's history as to people, politics, disasters, tragedies etc.
If you have ever thought of travelling to Africa, go here first.
A fantastic history resource helping to 'make history make sense'.
Live365 - The World's Largest Internet Radio Network.
An independent Australian parenting site.
The National Virtual Museum - Gateway to over 2,500 UK museums, galleries and heritage attractions.
Before you travel to England, visit this site.
Absolutely fantastic site on Wales, be it biographies, coastal areas, towns, heritage and tourism, Welsh culture etc. and all in audio-visual form, which makes it even more valuable for bilingual school classes.
The purpose of this site is to promote better understanding of globalization, world trade and economic development, including the forces, values, events, and ideas that have shaped the present global economic system.
Want to know more about Trooping of the Colour or commercials from the 1950s? Here is where you would find all the TV nostalgia.
A traveller's guide to Scotland with many great photos and more. This Web site and its associated mailing list are devoted to recently coined words and phrases, old words that are being used in new ways, and existing words that have enjoyed a recent renaissance.
Looking for the definition of a term in a particular subject can be difficult and time consuming. That's where the Glossarist can help you look.
Trains have played a big part in Canada's history. Discover Canada's train stories from the people who were there!
If you have always wanted to go to MARS try here first.
Live webcasting from The Houses of Parliament in London.
If you're fed up with your computer, click here...
New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art offers a site which is complemented by high-tech features such as 360-degree panoramas of the building’s interiors, with the chance to zoom in on featured artefacts.
If you plan to study in the USA, this is one of the best sites to go first.
This great website, run by the Royal Institute of GB, explains science in an easy way. I would recommend it for bilingual science classes.
Becoming Human is an interactive documentary experience that tells the story of our origins. You'll need 'Macromedia Flash Player 5'.
Why not take your class on a field trip to Hamburg (always worth a visit!) and attend a play in English?
What you need to know about terrorism.
Want to see unfold the events of 9/11? Click on The Tale of the Tape
If you want to see what a typically English village looks like, go here. Its website was awarded a prize for one of the ten best websites of the year 2002.
A fantastic source of cartoons.
A website for children who are having difficulties at school or just want to test their knowledge of English.
Planning to study in CANADA? Here is what you need to know. All about Teaching and Learning about CANADA. How about cooking your own traditional Christmas pudding or home-made Christmas mincemeat? Here are many more English recipes.
You won't find better explanations anywhere of what genes are, how they work and how the latest scientific discoveriescould affect you. Info is presented in well-written and plain English. Do you know what friggatriskaidekaphobia or crop circles really are? Here is 'A Collection of Strange Beliefs, Amusing Deceptions, and Dangerous Delusions' where you would find more exotic terms and their definitions. A great Canadian site with a lot of games, quizzes, homework help etc. for children. Looking for a course to take in the UK? Here is the ultimate source! If you can't find it here, you won't find it anywhere. Everything about childcare, parenting, children's health, education and leisure. Database of high quality essays. However, you have to register. Site for teachers, students, parents etc. But you have to register.
Everything about homophones (also known as homonyms), those words, like caret and carrot that are pronounced the same, but spelled differently and have different meanings. Do you need summaries on literature or study notes? This is an excellent source. is dedicated to promoting wider knowledge about the world's countries and regions. It is a one stop location for quickly gathering basic information. The website offers the most comprehensive source of continental and world rankings in an increasing number of categories. Among many other interesting features this site has one of the largest sources of educational material on Canada.
Canada's SchoolNet is one of the best educational websites with over 5,000 learning resources.
A large collection on Canada's history and culture, but also on civilizations worldwide.
Do you fancy an end-to-end walk, i.e. walking from Land's End to John o'Groats? If not, have a look anyway - it's worthwhile.
If you happen to teach Geography in a bilingual class, you shouldn't miss this site.
What children from countries all over the world eat, where they would like to live, what they would like to play etc.etc.
If you need a Qick Currency Converter, go here.
Keeping kids safe - Children, mobiles and the internet
If you hate going by plane, but enjoy travelling by train or by sea, this is the best place to go!
The Bible in 19 (!!) languages! The Bible Gateway is a tool for reading scripture online. Additionally, it provides advanced searching capabilities, allowing readers to find particular passages in scripture, based on keywords.
The History of British Military Conflicts since 1945. Most people have heard of Britain's involvement in military conflicts in the later half of this century, such as the Falklands War and the Gulf War. What the younger generation does not realize is that soldiers, sailors, and airmen from Britain and the Commonwealth have been fighting small wars to defend Britain's shrinking empire since the end of World War Two. Particularly interesting is Britain's engagement in Palestine.
Download books for free or make books available free to everyone.
If you like cooking, here is the World's Greatest Recipe Collection.
ABYZ News Links is a portal to online news sources from around the world. It is primarily composed of newspapers but also includes many broadcast stations, internet services, magazines, and press agencies.
Among many other features The Internet Archive is putting online over 1,000 movies about everyday life, culture, industry, and institutions in the United States in the 20th century. You should, however, have a fast internet connection for downloads.
A gateway to more than 5000 newspapers worldwide.
A great example of how to take advantage of multimedia in the classroom. The Technisches Gymnasium Offenburg presents The One and Only Harry Potter Project.
Is the term Pommy (used for a British person) the acronym meaning Prisoner of His Majesty or not? Find out more on legends or realities on this brilliant site.
Scientific American's fantastic website which covers topics about stem cells, aerosols in the atmosphere, robot dogs, or gives you an answer to why the twin towers collapsed. Etc.
Look at images from caves all over the world. They are divided into four kinds, such as solution caves which are those dissolved out of rock by acidic waters; or make a virtual tour of lava tube caves, sea caves or erosional caves.
The CIA World Factbook, an excellent up to date compendium with all kinds of information and facts on each country in the world.
If you happen to like vintage music from the early decades of the 20th century, then go here.
Boxmind is an online education consultancy that, through a combination of expert advice, outstanding rich media content and proprietary software, assists academic institutions and corporations to exploit the full potential of the electronic delivery of educational material. Offers, however, are not for free.
This British site named SchoolsHistory has a lot of material and resources also for German teachers who teach history in bilingual classes.
A vital guidebook for the potential exchange student. How do I apply, what are the costs, which institutions organize exchanges, what problems do I possibly face, are there official exchange programs, what experience have former exchange students made? Answers to all these questions are to be found in this guide.
Why not work more economically?
More than 5000 aircraft are stored at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tuscon, Arizona. Go on a virtual tour of the base. If you are even more interested in military planes, go here:
This site is usually meant for native English-speaking children, but can also be used for beginners of EFL in German classrooms. This new Channel 4 website offers 500 games spanning the whole curriculum and has eg. a dictionary and an interactive world atlas.
A very good resource for EFL teachers who like to work with well prepared topical texts etc.
If you believe in statistics, here is the official UK statitics site.
Guy Fawkes was one of the thirteen traitors who had conspired to blow up the parliament, the king, and his Lords on Nov.5, 1605, in order to return England to its Catholic past. Read more here.
The unique Marconi Collection and the state-of-the-art Essex Record Office at Chelmsford, UK, offer a cross section from early communication techniques to the latest ones: see photographs, film and sound clips and 3D demonstrations.
A brilliant site which contains all Nobel Prize Laureates. You'll find much more than biographies of the award winners. Read or even listen to prize or acceptance speeches of or about E. Hemingway, W. Faulkner or the most recent winner in literature, Sir V.S. Naipaul. There's also educational material to be found.
If you are looking for revision in grammar, vocabulary, novels, Shakespeare's works etc., you'll all find it here. There are also resources for your teaching in bilingual classes.
If you are interested in the usage of English, and want to improve your skills in writing job applications, or if you want to know the difference between flauntand floutor lessand fewer, then click here.
Many useful tests on English grammar, games for the classroom, suggestions as to English language schools etc.
For foreigners studying German: videos in the English language about Germany If you have the time and the small change to enjoy life, go here where you can find out about all the major forthcoming events worldwide. You might want to visit the Lantern Festival in Singapore this month or the Fall Foliage in Vermont/USA from Sep.15. If you should prefer staying at home, just enjoy this fantastic site and dream about all the events you miss - it's at least less expensive. The Smoking Gun provides authentic and confidential documents, that can't be found elsewhere on the Web. Two American journalists have obtained material from government and law enforcement sources and from court files nationwide. You'll find document related to J.F. Kennedy's assassination, the Bill Clinton affair or on Hitler's psychological disposition. A fine art search engine which covers art by movement, name or nationality. You'll find works eg. of the 30 top artists like Picasso, van Gogh or Turner. If you want to know more about the Manhattan Project and the first atomic explosion at Trinity or would like to know the difference between nuclear fissions and fusions, then look here. If you teach art in a bilingual class or are simply interested in Galileo's art and scientific achievements, go to Galileo's Room at the Florence's Museum of History and Science and take a virtual tour (you'll need the QuickTime plug-in). This is one of the rare really good websites, esp. if you look for material on the period from the Middle Ages to the 17th century. It mainly concentrates on the Renaissance with subcategories such as literature, history, royalty, music, but also medicine, food or art. Under 'Essays and Articles' there is a bonanza of students' essays. Learn about another Renaissance Italian - the artist, scientist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. Jürgen Wagner's large link collection: a bonanza for teachers and learners of English. If you don't find the phrase of slang you are looking for here, you won't find it anywhere. The Great Buildings Collection is a site for people who are fascinated by great architectural buildings worldwide like the Golden Gate Bridge, the Eiffel Tower, the Globe Theatre, the Taj Mahal or the Casa Batllo in Bilbao. If you suffer from too much time, have a look at this site and enjoy Origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The centerpiece on this site is the 100 Greatest Movies from The Birth of a Nation (1915) to Schindler's List (1993). This online booking service provides tickets for London's plays and musicals. It lets you check dates, prices, seating plans and running times. There are even half price tickets for many performances. First-class information on earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis (Springfluten). There is a series of simple, fast-loading animations. From the earliest stages of film production until the latest insider film news. Film freaks will find almost anything in the Internet Movie Database, a comprehensive cinematic directory. This is a service that searches dictionaries, encyclopaedias, books of quotations and other reference material. This is the Royal National Theatre's website. NT's director Trevor Nunn offers plays, musical and entertainment for all the family. This site focusses on news content. For the latest headlines and reports from all over the web, look here. Historical facts, art and culture, science and technology in the British Empire. Two guides on one site: The Good Britain Guide and The Good Pub Guide. You'll find suggestions regarding itenaries, e.g. to the Lake District in Cumbria or the Cotswolds. If you like skyscrapers, tall chimneys or the skylines of San Francisco, London and many more towns all over the world, click here. Maiken Naylor has compiled a beautiful and unlikely mosaic of the history of science through postage stamps. He says that those stamps are the most satisfying which present ideas and experiments, such as the photoelectric effect or the solar absorption spectrum. If you happen to teach History in a bilingual class, look here. If you don't have the small change to travel to London and ride the London Eye (Ferris wheel), go here on a 360° virtual tour of it. A student magazine created by three students from Harvard in 1999. With 4.5m users it has reached cult status. One of its prominent features is the tests, i.e. the Gender Test, the Personality, the Bitch or the Wealth Test. If you can spare some time doing these tests, don't forget your own studies. If you want to play with your knowledge about the English language, go to Word Games and click here. If you need ideas (from science, history, geography etc.) for your bilingual classes, look here. If you happen to be hyperactive, go here. Want to know more about Nessie, a unicorn or other mythical beasts?
If you don't have the time or the money (the latter can well be a problem when going to London..) to pay a visit to London's British Museum, then take a virtual tour here. Click on Compass and Tour List and you'll be taken to the Gladiators and Caesarsor to Mummies and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt. The British equivalent of the German ADAC A guide to all filling stations, places to eat and hotels that are five minutes of British motorway junctions.
If you do not fancy crossing the Antartic or are not necessarily keen on going across the Sahara on your inline skates, then consider a train ride across Australia from Sydney to Perth on the Indian Pacific. A site so interesting to read that you forget your time; so be careful! Learn what UCAS or GCSE is, or simply read about teenage issues (individuality, identity, group pressure), high school proms etc. etc.
Interested in Charles Dickens? Then go to David Perdue's site, where you'll find a vast overview of Dickens' life and work, with a timeline of his life, a glimpse of Victorian England and background on the original illustrators of his novels; also links to author biographies and his complete works online: The Charles Dickens Page